Example sentences of "is [adv] [det] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Bob and I had all sorts of schemes for us all to meet , including asking you to come to Edinburgh as a halfway house , but we realised that actually that is rather more than halfway for you , and would n't be at all easy .
2 All I can say at the moment is not less than about six hours , not more than a couple of days . "
3 When these designs were published , it was remarked that ‘ the room as left by the builder before it is inhabited at all , is already more than half finished . ’
4 A better approach merely underlines what was said above , that the regress shows that if all justification is inferential , no belief is ever more than conditionally justified .
5 This is probably more than just coincidence : it suggests that the Hall 's financial policy has been to cover the direct costs and subsidize the overheads .
6 Sociology , as a social science , is more than just a collection of empirical findings and is also more than just a set of speculative armchair ‘ theories ’ .
7 Number crunching by day , he is also more than fully active after work and at weekends .
8 Declared expenditure on defence and security is now more than double the expenditure on health .
9 Suddenly , after battling all season with Manchester City for third place in the First Division , the Wednesday player-manager finds that finishing second is now more than just a pipe dream .
10 It is now more than ever clear that every section of society needs to be involved in responding to AIDS , including the churches .
11 ‘ Well , you see , it is now more than ever that practising politicians need the help of disinterested trained historians
12 Satellite studies of the Amazon rainforest by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) show that the area being felled each year is far less than previously estimated .
13 In each case the shout is far more than simply a war cry .
14 A pub , like any other old building , is far more than just its principle facade , or its four walls .
15 It is far more than just an accidental entrance to your home .
16 This hospital , said the chaplain , ‘ is far more than just bricks , wood and plaster , we are talking about a family — a community of nurses , doctors , auxiliary staff , domestics and patients — ‘ a team ’ .
17 But OALD is far more than just a dictionary .
18 But Seefeld is far more than just a place to swing your mashie niblick .
19 It affected the Midland counties most of all , and it is here more than anywhere that we find the planned landscape of Georgian times .
20 But she was also , among other literary things , the wonderful and baleful orphan or isolate who is seen to advantage in the books she read : and it may be that cultural history is especially worth attending to in cases such as hers , where the subject is a dedicated reader , and the basis for a directly psychological account is even more than usually insecure .
21 It is surely more than just coincidence that Alf Ramsey , later to lead England to World Cup victory in 1966 , played in both of these eye-opening defeats .
22 That a figure with such a subversive reputation as Morrison can be a fit subject for an extremely posh , photo-laden book is maybe more than just a little embarrassing .
23 Indeed , it is the closest planet to the Sun and at its maximum elongations is never more than about 28° from the Sun .
24 His playing is never less than very good , but he does occasionally tend to be a trifle straight-laced in the more contemplative works .
25 Turnout at general elections is seldom more than about 75 per cent so Gallup asked voters : How likely is it that you will go out and vote in the General Election ?
26 It is therefore more than ever essential that we modulate our human scale through all the new processes of social order that are about to dawn .
27 It is therefore more than ever necessary that the recovery should be export led rather than led by domestic consumption .
28 It is therefore more than ever necessary that the recovery should be export-led rather than led by domestic consumption .
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