Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Music is generally accorded a low priority and is underfunded , and standards of performance are unsatisfactory in many places .
2 The extent and variety of these activities are astonishing , but while almost everyone is aware of them , and although the majority of us fiddle in one way or another , fiddling is generally considered a trivial activity without serious implications .
3 Traditionally , the people 's singing has been delegated to a choir which is generally paid a nominal fee .
4 Even when an oxytocic agent is not given a small proportion of patients show an increase in plasma oxytocin concentration during the late second or early third stage of labour .
5 If this is not done a disillusioned employee may well leave after a short time and you will have to repeat the expensive and disruptive process of interviewing all over again .
6 Stitches may be necessary to close a gaping cut , and if this is not done a permanent scar may result .
7 Provided there 's access to the plane and the fuselage is not crushed a few minutes should tell us all we want to know .
8 In 1990 Baron Thyssen bought an outstanding work , ‘ The Lock ’ at Sotheby 's for £10,780,000 a world record for a British painting but he is not considered a likely purchaser of further works by the artist .
9 Marriage is not considered a sufficient commitment .
10 Efforts are initially made to persuade the parents to bring up the child at home , but where this does not prove successful or is not considered a wise step , some form of full-time residential care is required .
11 Thomas Biggs , in his address to the Social Science Association in 1870 , complained that such a ‘ painful … topic is not considered a proper theme for discussion … by the great majority of the House of Commons ’ .
12 In that community it is not considered a grave fault to ‘ invent ’ , whenever ‘ a lie is necessary ’ .
13 Both Conservative and Labour MPs are divided on the issue , which is always allowed a free vote .
14 Because work is still considered a male role , leisure , similarly , is thought to be a male preserve .
15 An important paper was read for her in 1900 to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland by her cousin , Gerard Baldwin Brown [ q.v. ] , and thereafter controversial articles in learned journals culminated in 1912 in the publication by John Murray of The Early Norman Castles of the British Isles , which is still considered a seminal work on the subject .
16 Therapy is still considered a marginal thing but I really do n't see why .
17 No I 've got , I 've got a dress at home which is like flared a black one .
18 In spite of this , the words ‘ buyer beware ’ still carry a very real warning in one type of purchase and that is what is colloquially called a private sale .
19 For example , in Cureton 's analysis of iambic pentameter in Chapter 5 , all lines metrically begin weak-strong-weak , even those having what is traditionally called a reversed first foot .
20 Where the company can exercise the right of set-off against a preferential creditor who is also owed a non-preferential debt by the company , the set-off must be exercised against the debts rateably in proportion to the amounts of the preferential and non-preferential claims of the creditor .
21 Mr Chan is also considered a probable future member of the Executive Council , the Governor 's ‘ cabinet ’ .
22 Under the new Mental Health Act , passed last year , a patient who objects to treatment is now guaranteed a second opinion — but treatment still goes ahead if both doctors agree .
23 Because his exhibition programme was among the country 's ( and the world 's ) most impressive , the museum is now deemed a premier destination for philanthropic largesse .
24 TO THE political burdens already on the shoulders of Nelson Mandela , President of the African National Congress , is now added a fresh wave of accusations against his incorrigible wife .
25 One part per billion is now considered a safe level .
26 A chemical reaction which produces a quantitative yield is often called a stoichiometric process Many ionic reactions produce quantitative yields .
27 This model of working-class culture as pathological or deficient is often given a holistic twist and linked to notions of ‘ necessary false consciousness ’ .
28 Immediately outside the ozone-depleted zone is often found a crescent-shaped region of ozone-rich air which accentuates the image of an ozone ‘ hole ’ as depicted on maps of Antarctic ozone concentration ( figure 6.7 ) .
29 But to this assertion of the erosion of the traditional ‘ apprenticeship ’ system for musicians and of the economic harm done to some younger performers is often added a third reason for denigrating recorded music .
30 The soliloquy in Renaissance texts is frequently given a special prominence because readers ( and the assumption is of play readers rather than audiences witnessing a production ) believe they are experiencing a moment of privileged revelation where the dramatist reveals a character 's interiority .
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