Example sentences of "is [pron] not [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As Smith points out , the use of such a covert strategy is well established in research that uncovers behaviour that is itself not merely unethical or immoral but illegal .
2 And this mode of distribution is itself not only technical — manuscript copying and then printing — but depends on a wider technology , primarily determined by social relations , in which the ability to read , which is the true substance of distribution , is itself produced .
3 The Chief Constable 's earlier statement that he was deploying a special search squad to deal with loyalist terrorism is itself not very helpful , when the whole of the city of Belfast is left wide open to roaming terrorists from both sides .
4 The B-line however makes everything plain , not without some help from the A-line. is itself not very precise ( RV " judgement " ; RSV " right " ; " cause " ) .
5 And , finally , as destructive conflicts are usually about blatant power or win-lose situations there is something not quite nice about discussing power in research seminars or even in work organizations .
6 If it is insulting to suggest to a person that he is a homosexual , is it not equally insulting to suggest to a man that he is the sort of person who might be susceptible to solicitation in the streets by women ?
7 Is it not both illogical and unreasonable to require a person who has lost self-control to ensure , none the less , that his response is not disproportionate ?
8 Why is it not normally possible to ripen wheat or barley on the uplands ?
9 You might feel , you perhaps did feel , is it not astonishingly self-centred , is it not even offensively self-centred , this concern with his own greatness , his own importance , what I am writing now , what I shall achieve .
10 Furthermore , is it not overwhelmingly likely that there are other factors involved of which we know nothing , or which we simply overlook ?
11 Is it not also serious that it is implied that the Home Office knew about that involvement at the time ?
12 If the charge of hypocrisy can be raised against the latter , is it not also possible to raise it against the former ?
13 Is it not just harmless fun ?
14 With Guinness , as everyone knows , familiarity breeds content , Is it not somewhat sad , then , that the great Jonathan Swift , Dean of St Patrick 's Cathedral , Dublin and author of Gulliver 's Travels , who was familiar with stout , had the misfortune to be born too soon in history and was therefore denied the contentment of a glass of Guinness ?
15 Although that will be remedied by next June , is it not somewhat antiquated that such a system has persisted for so long ?
16 Is it not quite plain , even to you , that Eleanor Thorne became senile long ago , and even plainer that Alida wished to be rid of her ?
17 Is it not obviously appropriate , the traditionalists argue , to introduce children of the same age and ability level to new subject areas at the same time ?
18 Yeah , I know , do you want a cake or is it not too naughty ?
19 Even if such a quality of relationship is possible , is it not too painful to achieve ?
20 Is it not now obvious that , because of his policies , the Prime Minister is reduced to imagining recovery at home while inventing recessions abroad ?
21 Is it not more effective to introduce him to methods in order that such ‘ discoveries ’ as are made are appreciated and understood ?
22 Rather than create a new institution , is it not more feasible to improve our existing one , the police ?
23 Is it not more important to ensure the survival of important large firms , while at the same time promote fierce competition between them ?
24 Is it not more plausible that the minuet was all along danced both fast and slow and everywhere in between , that it was played ‘ faster or slower , according to the tune that is played , which the dancer is obliged to follow ’ ?
25 Is it not then possible that Satan , in his opposition to Christ and man , and wishing to destroy all that God has given , could do so by appearing in a godly angelic light ?
26 And is it not therefore necessary if you 're going to justify this western relief road and quote your own words , as a key link to the north , that will there have to do further work in order to make that road acceptable .
27 This is , however , a somewhat doubtful proposition since not only is it not entirely applicable to the Nordic countries without qualification ( nor nowadays within manufacturing industry in Britain ) , but significant differences also exist even within continental countries , especially as between France and Germany .
28 Whatever about the apparent failure of Desmond and his executives , is it not absolutely extraordinary that John V. O'Dwyer , of Arthur Cox , solicitor to and main board member of the Smurfit organisation , apparently did not brief Michael on the Independent 's retraction and the specific references to UPH and Desmond ?
29 As the Opposition believe that taxes , particularly local taxes , should be based on ability to pay , is it not absolutely scandalous that they suggest that the elderly and the single , whatever house they live in , should have to pay more than those with the ability to pay and are not willing to grant a discount ?
30 Is it not totally unacceptable that when only 13 questions were answered on Welsh matters , four of them should have been asked by Hon. Members with English constituencies and that most of the questions were answered by a Member representing an English constituency ?
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