Example sentences of "is [pron] [pron] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Type 3 There is nothing you need trouble about .
2 A journalist is someone who hears shouts from a river , rushes up and asks , ‘ Are you all right ? ’
3 If only half the stories are true , this is someone who attracts trouble .
4 ‘ There is nobody I do business with that does not know of my convictions , ’ Mr Carway told The Independent .
5 item on the agenda right at the end late edition , which is the byelaw on control of dogs , which I think is something we discussed years ago
6 Science was public knowledge and not a craft mystery — religious ‘ mystery ’ too is something which makes sense in practice .
7 Isolation is one of the biggest problems for the unemployed actor , for acting is something which needs communication with others .
8 As a Conservative I naturally want the Government to survive and to win the next election , but plainly if the Deputy Prime Minister resigns that is something which gives cause for readjustment and rethinking if the Government is to win the next election .
9 The most common type of ruler today is one which measures centimetres and millimetres .
10 When the adjective is one which qualifies sense , one would expect the altered phrase to have become quite useless — perhaps even to be designated as ungrammatical — precisely because such adjectives require exhibition of the properties involved in the noun in order to have their own effect , by combining with those properties ; so , if the noun or pronoun head of the phrase merely indicates entity-hood without mentioning any properties , there is nothing for the sense-qualifying adjective to work on .
11 So our final document when , and this is , this is issued in June nineteen fifty , we are in power , we are a communist government and our land reform is one which enshrines inequalities , it protects middle peasants it in effect minimizes what it can give to the poor .
12 A good contract is one which brings benefits to both sides and this is the result that should be aimed at in negotiations ; it should be written , however , as if every point were to be used as evidence at a later date .
13 The system is one which breeds product specialisation , whilst also ensuring overlap in broad areas of competence .
14 A ‘ high ’ Christology is one which emphasizes Christ 's divinity , a ‘ low ’ Christology his humanity , and a ‘ message ’ type Christology one which looks to his words rather than to the nature of his person .
15 A good school is one which provides opportunities for such visits .
16 1980 No. 1894 ) , has raised the question whether the long-established practice of both the Court of Appeal and this House in relation to the costs of appellate proceedings to make , in an appropriate case , a suspended order under section 18 ( or its predecessors ) to take effect after a lapse of time in the absence of objection by the Legal Aid Board ( or formerly the Law Society ) is one which runs counter to the strict requirements of those Regulations .
17 Great spiritual power is envisaged in such chastity , and hence the most virtuous woman is one who commits sati or suttee , that is , voluntary suicide committed by being cremated alive with the corpse of one 's husband .
18 In a compliance system , the ‘ good ’ officer is one who gets results quietly and efficiently .
19 George Salem of Prudential Securities is one who signals caution , however .
20 A good teacher is one who inspires confidence in the children and who can pick up problems early on before they get serious , and can bring the kids on .
21 Is there somebody called Bannen here ? ’
22 Of course this is not quite accurate language does not exist independently of speakers , and it is they who introduce innovations — but the point is well taken .
23 It is they who hold dialogue with establishment spokesmen , sitting side by side with white experts and a few Asian men on the ‘ problems ’ and ‘ needs ’ of Asian women .
24 Who is it who attacked Anna ? ’
25 It is he who taunts Elvira with the famous ‘ Catalogue ’ aria , listing his master 's conquests : 640 in Italy , 231 in Germany , 100 in France , 91 in Turkey , and 1,003 ( so far ) in Spain .
26 Maybe just having the space to say all the things they want to say , including the difficult and confusing things , as often and for as long as they want to say them , is what they seek help and support with .
27 This is what they teach fighters in Britain and that 's why most British fighters are only of a certain calibre .
28 But er when just before I left the polishing which was in nineteen thirty eight , er they were bringing in a lot of cellu it 's all th a lot of all this modern stuff is what they call cellulose , but I could n't tell you how it 's done , it 's done with a spray .
29 ‘ I 'm assured the thing is what they call user friendly . ’
30 Australia is another good source of winter warmers , especially with full-bodied wines made from Shiraz , which is what they call Syrah down under .
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