Example sentences of "is [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nor does it impress Freud to be told that religious propositions are ‘ as if ’ types of proposition , and that one should live ‘ as if ’ it were true that there were gods , or God , for there is nothing to lose this way .
2 Where no quorum is laid down in the standing orders , common sense must prevail even if , legally , there is nothing to stop one member continuing with the business !
3 For the really determined walker there are two Government-run hotels or pousadas in the mountains , which are so isolated there is nothing to do each day but hit the trail .
4 There is nothing to contradict that view and much to support it .
5 There is nothing to suggest outright conflict between arians and catholics in the kingdom of Toulouse , except in the years of expansion under Euric .
6 Mr Peter Shrigley , general manager of Oldham health authority , said : ‘ There is nothing to suggest any connection between hospital catering and this outbreak .
7 There is nothing to encourage any speculation on what the butcher of Abbeville , the peasants , their wives or the priest in Les Perdris or Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin , Barat , Haimet and Travers , or Jouglet et al.
8 Now there is nothing to prevent plural continuation here ( e.g. They had been working hard for hours ) , but the incidence of such continuations was less than 5% , and continuations mostly were confined to singular references with individuals being in relatively stereotypical roles with respect to each other .
9 However , the political system is " open " and there is nothing to prevent any issue coming onto the governmental agenda for action and decision if an interest group seeks to put it there .
10 At the moment there is nothing to prevent another flood of 1966 proportions or worse , as was demonstrated by the exceptionally high tide of 8 December last .
11 And start the 21st Century with a substantial cash sum , which is yours to spend any way you wish — on improvements to your home , a new car , a special holiday .
12 The most he could borrow and be sure of just being able to pay back the debt out of his future income is ( 1/1 + i ) Y t+1 ; ; this is his discounted future income .
13 Thing is I had some wool and I had the thing .
14 I said , I said thing is I said last time everybody thought Carla was gon na get highly commended or honours do you remember ?
15 Well that 's , what I do is I use that metal that you can hang it with and just hang it onto a little hook so it 's up and over and out of the way .
16 Now that is I mean all age worship every Sunday ?
17 I think that 's true what Yona says you know it it is Cos you know I the sort of the political people of the town tend to be councillors who are er men mainly and set in their ways and think that because they 've got the label councillor behind you know b front of their name that they 're they are for life you know it 's And they 're sort of respectable inverted commas members of the community and you know and I mean I hope that out of out of all this I mean it 's it 's a shame it has to happen in such a desperate situation you know because I mean none of us can really feel glad that Because to be on strike is I mean each day is is hard I 'm sure for well I mean I can only say because to be close to people on strike it 's quite a unique thing really for me and i you become so involved and close to people and you realize how hard it is for them .
18 ‘ All I know is I got this invitation in the mail about Studio 54 — for business networking .
19 There is this commitment to overthrowing feudalism through class struggle and there is I think this vision that under new society will be more egalitarian , not completely egalitarian
20 The third question is which herefordshire trained horse finished second to Desert Orchid in the Gold Cup in 89
21 The nineteenth question is which celebrated Swiss clown and mime comes from you know which do n't you ?
22 and all you do is you take that pin out and pull it out
23 Er but I went , I 've been , I 've represented the society at the big conference of the Co-op union , which is you know each society sends delegates you know and erm er I 've , I 've always liked this kind of thing .
24 and we we see what is fed to us there , we pick up , you pick up the you know , the comic strip papers you know , yo you see headlines there , most of it is is you know Tory sort of dominated .
25 Now is you remember last time we said we would n't do this at the minute because we erm we 've got erm a
26 So the idea is you have some kind of token so that er , classic example in sort of junior schools , primary schools , that y'know if a child actually does what you want it to do , it gets a kind of star in a star chart and added up so many stars it gets some kind of present and basically the same kind of thing can be applied in clinical and in occupational settings as well .
27 If there are four to do , so you 'll all again at least twice and the best thing you have is you have more practice er so are you all clear on what you have to do , what you 're allotted to have to sell ?
28 Is she working this week ?
29 Sandie , who met Freddie when she was an 18-year-old dancer on his show , smiled broadly as he quipped : ‘ The real reason I 'm leaving my wife is she makes lousy coffee . ’
30 Was erm is it Lorraine doing some work , is she doing some work for you ?
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