Example sentences of "is [prep] [det] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the reader about to abandon the book this may easily uncover previously undisclosed information ; for the committed reader it can add to his overall perspective on the book , thus helping him understand the relation of the parts to the whole , e.g. D. Marquand , Ramsay MacDonald ( 1977 ) , is about more than a former Prime Minister .
2 Thus , the value of the firm is equal to the total value of its expected future stream of cash flows , discounted to take account of the ‘ time value of money ’ ( ’ a pound tomorrow is worth less than a pound today ’ ) and risk .
3 If you genuinely think that the property is worth less than the asking price , then make a lower offer .
4 Since these two tend to go hand in hand , anyone whose home is worth less than the mortgage on it , would welcome a little inflation .
5 To hold the contrary , it has been well said , seems to assert ‘ that a bird in the hand is worth less than the same bird in the bush . ’
6 Recall from Chapter 12 that an allowance has to be made for the fact that a given sum of money to be received in the future is worth less than the same sum received now .
7 The Kaduna-based Hausa language newspaper Gaskiya ta fi Kwabo ( ‘ The Truth is Worth More than a Penny ’ ) , took this allegation further by quoting from a leading Kaduna State politician :
8 Try not to get pushed into this — your health is worth more than a few extra quid .
9 Hence , a pound paid out is worth more than a pound retained and reinvested .
10 In the context of hospitality and friendship , little and often is worth more than the grandest of annual social jamborees .
11 For patients , continued trust in the basis for their doctor 's decisions is worth more than the possibility of quicker access to elective surgery .
12 They will not complain if they believe that their property is worth more than the band in which it has been allocated .
13 Preference is for each and every page to bear the ‘ watermark ’ legend draft .
14 Assuming your trip is for more than an hour , the following items are considered pretty indispensable by most mothers .
15 Indeed , some families will want to talk about the present , believing that what has occurred in the past is of little or no consequence .
16 It genuinely is like that and a statement like ‘ Mwat Is Murder ’ causes offence to the strictly guarded view of the nice , normal family . )
17 Now the problem is with this that the blood as is it wo n't normally take it up .
18 It is with these that the archaeological study of Romano-British mosaics is primarily concerned : the indicators of stylistic affinity upon which are based any suggestions of uniqueness of design , regularity between the interests of clients , the existence of aids to design i.e. pattern books , or the nature of the workforce employed .
19 There are , as it were , pre-constitutional norms regulating government , and it is upon these that the health and viability of democratic systems will depend .
20 It will be seen that the number of combinations of genes in any one cell is enormous and it is from these that the hereditary factors of our physical and mental make-up arise in such great variety .
21 More difficult to identify are the basic factors which are common to all human beings , but it is in these that the international marketer will be most interested , since they provide a basis upon which to market goods in a way which should have broad appeal .
22 Another advantage is that , because the refrigerant is inside each and every box , hot spots in the centre of palletised products in cold stores can be avoided .
23 Yet it is to this that the McLachlans and Bottomleys seem determined to condemn us .
24 Most importantly , perhaps , the venture capitalist can be relied on to identify and negotiate the best possible exit route , since it is on this that the investors ' return depends .
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