Example sentences of "is [adj] that [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The corks were tight enough to keep the wine in good condition for perhaps forty to fifty years , but it is understandable that after sixty years some evaporation should have taken place .
2 IT is unbelievable that in 1970 , during our formative years , only 30 undergraduates were awarded the first general degree of the University , at a ceremony in Pathfoot .
3 We are all different : but , certainly it is possible that for many of us our current consumption of cigarettes , alcohol , tea , coffee , sugar , and even chocolate are enough to adversely affect our health and our nutritional balance .
4 It is possible that for all its lofty consequences , Nietzsche 's willingness to expose himself to Meistersinger in the first place arose out of nothing loftier than social contacts : the coincidence that a sister of Wagner 's living in Leipzig was friendly with Professor Ritschl and his wife , with whom Nietzsche was on excellent terms at the time .
5 It is possible that for brief periods during construction of the breakwater , barges or other vessels may need to moor in positions which would affect operation of the radar station .
6 The then Prime Minister also emphasized the political awakening to the environment in statements such as : ‘ it is possible that with all these enormous changes ( population , agricultural , use of fossil fuels ) concentrated into such a short period of time , we have unwittingly begun a massive experiment with the system of this planet itself ’ ( Thatcher 1988 ) .
7 The cause of this decrease in open probability is unclear , but it is possible that over this range of depolarising voltages , Ca 2 + at high concentration ( 1.2 mM in the bath ) blocked the channel at a site that normally binds Ba 2 + ( see below ) , as seen with rabbit skeletal muscle K + channels incorporated into planar lipid bilayers .
8 It is possible that within two or three years the left wing will not have a single executive member it can truly call its own in the constituency section .
9 In fact , it is possible that in 17th-century French theatrical music when the scoring is reduced from the typical five parts to four , one should consider the possibility that this signals a change in the orchestration from a string to a wind texture , especially if the dramatic situation a pastoral scene , most probably makes such a change plausible .
10 It is possible that in many studies such hybrid searches have remained undetected , particularly if users were questioned prior to the catalogue consultation .
11 It is possible that in rare circumstances shares will be classified as non-equity shares in accordance with the requirements of the [ draft ] FRS although they fall within the definition of equity share capital contained in companies legislation .
12 This is a factor in selection , and all Cabinets have some first-class administrators , but there are other , political reasons for appointments and it is possible that in any Cabinet of twenty , a half would not have been chosen if the only grounds had been the capacity to run a large department .
13 It is possible that in some protein it would be an improvement to change one particular glycine to proline .
14 The examples in ( 8 ) are representative : ( 8 ) the visiting scientists are nuclear farmers who will qualify are arable the expert was meteorological Ascriptive adjectives on the other hand may freely occur predicatively ( although it is possible that in some cases an ascriptive adjective may be excluded for different reasons ) .
15 There are synovial joints between the fifth to eighth costal cartilages and it is possible that in some of the patients in this series the pain was a result of inflammation in one of these joints .
16 Gandhi indeed could count on the British conscience for his personal safety , but he could never count on it for political concessions — and it is clear that at some level he understood this .
17 Yet it is clear that despite this apparent failure of cooperation , we try to interpret B's utterance as nevertheless cooperative at some deeper ( non-superficial ) level .
18 Indeed , since this trauma was the origin of all later stages of cultural evolution for the race as a whole and is now the culminating phase of childhood development , it is clear that on this phase more than any other the whole mental health and normality not only of the individual , but of the society , depends .
19 The Data Discman , as it was originally called , is described in detail in chapter 3 but it is clear that with upgraded devices now being launched by Sony and a multimedia player in the wings , Sony 's handheld platform will be the basis of a new generation of powerful electronic book players .
20 These do require a certain degree of inference , but it is clear that under some conditions such remains can suggest the name of a sponsor , the reason for sponsorship , and the presence of a respected craftsmen or group of craftsmen At Avenches — and probably at Bavay — in France , and at Seriana and Timgad in North Africa , the names of individual craftsmen are attested ( although , as is shown by the inscription from Timgad , even differing ideas of the practice in which the craftsman was involved are apparent ) .
21 In conclusion , it is clear that from this examination of the state of weaponry and warfare throughout the reign of Barbarossa , and given that he lived to the age of 70 , he must have experienced many of the gradual changes and improvements in arms and armour that occurred during the twelfth century .
22 However , we can not be sure , for it is clear that from Mesolithic times onwards the frequency of brachycephaly was increasing continually in some parts of Europe .
23 It is clear that by 1945 there was widespread popular support for the extension of state welfare provision , for a measure of nationalisation of industry and ‘ planning ’ and for a governmental commitment to the maintenance of full employment .
24 Looked at from the ground , however , a rather different picture emerges , since it is clear that in many constituencies local issues were of greater importance , and even where national issues played a role , they were often distinctively shaped by peculiar local circumstances .
25 It is clear that in all three measures , changes in rank can be induced by altering the riskless rate of return .
26 It is clear that in 1788–92 , then in 1823–33 and , with some uncertainty in various localities , up to 1838 petitioning expanded concern with the slave trade , slavery and apprenticeship .
27 It is clear that in each area of revolt , some local figure emerged to take the lead , and this is hardly surprising when one considers the nature of fourteenth century society .
28 If it is clear that in any event the plaintiff is entitled to a substantial sum , a reasonable proportion of such sum may be awarded whether or not the plaintiff is in immediate need of it ( Schott Kem Ltd v Bentley & Ors [ 1991 ] 1 QB 61 ) .
29 It is clear that in these circumstances external or police assistance should be called .
30 The levels and movements of urban rent are hard to document , but where substantial series of records survive , it is clear that in some towns at any rate , rents fell in the fifteenth century .
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