Example sentences of "is [adj] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , the most usual ground is that based on delay , that is to say the lapse of time between the commission of the offence and the start of the trial .
2 ‘ However , the most usual ground is that based on delay , that is to say the lapse of time between the commission of the offence and the start of the trial .
3 Then the corresponding approximation for the Ricci tensor is that given in eqn B.7 : .
4 Is that done at birth then that blood test , is the blood test done at birth ?
5 The physical appearance of Chesterfield 's market place was altered by the erection of a huge market hall in 1857 , but even today the shape of the area is that determined upon back in the twelfth century when a decision was taken to found a new market at what was then the edge of the town .
6 Then again is , is that written under trust or
7 The strain-time curve is that shown in figure 12.1(b) .
8 In this situation the predominant phenomenon is that known as salt fingering , shown schematically in Fig. 23.1 .
9 The first solution is that known to radar engineers as " chirp radar " .
10 It is interesting to note that on a descending value of energy , maize is greatest followed by barley , followed by oats .
11 Is this based on TV then or ?
12 The second sub-sample is wet sieved with sand retention for drying and weighing while the mud fraction , whose proportional contribution to the whole sediment is now known , remains in a receptacle for further analysis .
13 I know that on Sunday I was on , on the watch , this weekend , and there was so much ice on the river , our anchor boat which is all made of wood , that 's moored up alongside the dredger and when I went along and got , that was about twelve o'clock in the mid-day .
14 Cognos ' core development work is all done on Sun workstations at its Ottawa R&D centre , and as early as last June a version of PowerHouse 7.0 for SunOs was finished and ready to ship , simply awaiting the executive green light .
15 See the tailors , shoemakers , bookbinders , gold beaters , printers , bricklayers , coatmakers , hatters , curriers , masons , whitesmiths , none of these trades receive less than 30s a week , and from that to five guineas this is all done by combination , without it their trades would be as bad as yours .
16 ‘ We work hard because it is all done by hand .
17 It is , er it being a modern book as I say , completely new , it 's , it 's , it 's part of the desk top publishing sort of revolution , so the actual data base is , is all held on computer , on a magnetic tape and is actually much bigger than this single volume book .
18 The softening , rotting process gets under way from the moment the muzzle is first tied in place .
19 , George ( d. 1786 ) , cabinet-maker and , probably , furniture designer , is first recorded at Christmas 1785 when he and his son , George , insured premises at 48 Redcross Street , Cripplegate , with the Sun Insurance Company .
20 To smooth out irregularities and to ensure that there is a unique local minimum the graph is first approximated to degree 4 by Legendre polynomials .
21 A discussion of different sales setting follows later in the chapter , but consideration is first made of segmentation , which has a direct bearing upon the choice of channel .
22 To determine the scan score for an individual patients , the patient 's image is first scaled in size to fit the normal image ( Fig 1B ) , and the normal image is then subtracted , from that of the patients .
23 The alchemy of Shield 's design is first contrived with paper and pencil , repeatedly cut and pasted , tried this way and that , fine-tuned , then finally executed on computer .
24 ‘ it is , in my view , clear that the court , in considering whether a continuing situation of one or other of the kinds described in section 1(2) ( a ) exists , must do so at the point of time immediately before the process of protecting the child concerned is first put into motion .
25 In my judgment , the words ‘ is suffering ’ in section 31(2) ( a ) of the Children Act 1989 relate to the period immediately before the process of protecting the child concerned is first put into motion , just as in the Children and Young Persons Act 1969 .
26 Since infection is first acquired during suckling , complete control would be based on removal of kittens from the dam and artificial rearing .
27 In any graphics system the object to be animated is first drawn on paper in a number of key positions .
28 LOST-WAX casting is so called because the object to be cast is first modelled in wax ( over a clay core if the casting is to be hollow ) .
29 When a module name is first entered into LIFESPAN , it is checked to ensure that the same name has not already been chosen for another module .
30 I have found this even more useful if you add some leaf and if the garlic is first poached to gentleness .
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