Example sentences of "is [adj] [adv] for the " in BNC.

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1 The overall results indicate that expression of a rearranged TCR- α chain is unnecessary either for the progression of thymocytes from the DN to DP stage or for the expansion of the DP cells to the levels of wild-type mice .
2 Just as the idea of a voyage was more satisfying than the trip itself for the poet Baudelaire , the Romantic tradition in France is strong enough for the idea of a well thought-out plan to be more important than its execution .
3 Is that enough for the time being ? — IM
4 It is rash indeed for the historian to turn prophet .
5 It is possible therefore for the court to appoint a solicitor even though a guardian has been appointed .
6 No because the the point I 'm trying to make is that it is unrealistic surely for the leader of the party to say to his MPs who are n't delegates after all , but who represent the interests of their constituencies , Shut up , come to me privately if you have any concerns .
7 Dr Paisley questioned whether Mr Major is brave enough for the job .
8 Our understanding of each other is adequate enough for the small change of moral discourse , leaving us in no doubt of how most people feel about being murdered , robbed , raped or cheated , but the more sensitive the valuation the less confidently it can be made .
9 Provided it is read sensibly ( see the section " Understanding the Bible " ) , it is clear enough for the simplest Christian to live by , as well as being profound enough to exercise the mind of the brightest scholar for a lifetime .
10 Now all of that is sensible enough for the holiday-maker taking his or her annual two weeks in the sun , but like many packages , there are strings attached .
11 If it is warm enough for the patient to sit in the garden , he may enjoy just watching all the garden life .
12 A single national centre is appropriate only for the few services which involve delivery to all addresses in Britain ( e.g. mail order ) , very occasional visits ( e.g. specialized medical advice ) or a particular type of service or activity with a client group that lives close to it and is not represented elsewhere in the country ( e. g. certain elements of central government , the national media and business services ) .
13 However , such beef is lean as the animals are fed on grass rather than grain , so that it is fit only for the fast-food trade , one third of this meat goes into hamburgers .
14 Varnishes can be used direct from the container if the diameter is large enough for the brush being used , but it is better to pour the varnish into a paint kettle which has a wire stretched across the middle , so that excess varnish can be scraped off on the wire .
15 He pointed out that the best papers should indeed go to international journals because it is good both for the author and for international medical literature .
16 The point to make here is that if it is good enough for the courts to judge a publication as a whole then it would be perverse of a librarian to do otherwise in book selection .
17 COTES DU RHONE ( Morrisons , £2.99 ) : A gloriously full , juicy , fruity red that is good enough for the turkey and cheap enough for party drinking .
18 What is good enough for the bosses should be good enough for the teachers .
19 If nuclear non-proliferation is good enough for the rest of the world , why is not it good enough for us ?
20 yeah — i think he is good enough for the premiership — and he will surely be picked up sooner or later .
21 Alternatively , the practice has grown up that if the law is not clear , then , given that the possibility of being prosecuted for a crime or sued for damages may exist , albeit as a remote possibility in England , it is better always for the doctor to err on the side of caution and follow the most conservative or restrictive view of the law .
22 There can not be a satisfactory answer to such a question which is short enough for the circumstances , and informative enough to be of any value .
23 The air is heavy enough for the ambiguities to be all in the skill of the players .
24 Apart from qualifying the scope of Samuel , Alladice is important also for the interesting observations made by Lord Lane about legal advice and the right to silence .
25 Beyond being life-saving there is no further place for hospital treatment of anorexia as it is primarily an illness of the human spirit and the hospital is important only for the treatment of acute physical consequences .
26 The new entrepreneur in Russia wants to be seen driving a performance car , but one which is tough enough for the conditions there .
27 The UK Department of Health claims that its AIDS prevention policy is responsible both for the reduction in projected new cases among injecting drug users and the greater certainty about heterosexual exposure .
28 This time the inspector is clearly associated with the authority that employs the teacher , and which is responsible directly for the quality of the education in the school .
29 A similar deal has now been struck with Digital Equipment Corp , and the manufacturing software is available immediately for the Ultrix version of Unix with support for DEC 's OSF/1 following in the second half of the year .
30 A similar deal has now been struck with Digital Equipment Corp , and the manufacturing software is available immediately for the Ultrix version of Unix with support for DEC 's OSF/1 following in the second half of the year .
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