Example sentences of "is [adj] [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In specially favoured areas the grass is extensive enough to form patches of turf ; the pinks are usually rarer and more dispersed .
2 It is possible immediately to integrate equations ( 10.23 ) to obtain .
3 It is possible only to give prompts such as ‘ Do you think aims should come before methods when you are working out what to do ? ’
4 ( Examination of the minutes referred to earlier suggests that the same is true of many other cases of closure in the Region , although the Director is careful now to propose closures on ‘ educational grounds ’ , and to direct that the–parents and School Council be consulted ) .
5 ‘ He is old enough to lead armies . ’
6 If you have decided to work to a prearranged minimum number of hours , make sure you know which days you will be needed , and whether it is acceptable occasionally to exchange duties with another member of staff .
7 It is easy enough to design systems that work well when everything is going well .
8 It is easy enough to identify features that are likely to provoke laughter and were presumably intended to do so amongst the common attributes of the fabliaux .
9 So if the Chancellor is rotten enough to raise taxes , or your boss is foolish enough to give you a pay rise , you can type the details in , and see how it will affect your budget .
10 This field component would connect gas in the plane to the hotter gas above and below and is likely both to generate instabilities and to bleed angular momentum from the disk , possibly leading to the formation of a jet .
11 The standard Nuclide Luminoscope® chamber in particular is large enough to take slices over 5 mm in thickness , and there is a special deep version which can take sawn core samples for rapid examination , possibly on site .
12 George knows Lennie ca n't and wo n't remember things so he is patient enough to repeat things for Lennie ; time and time again , day after day .
13 Though not exclusive to the Cotswolds , this scaling down is regular enough to give labourers there the appearance of modest prosperity , with sub-£2 assessments hardly rising above 35 per cent anywhere ; Brightwells Barrow hundred closely resembled the contiguous ( and mainly pastoral ) Berkshire hundred of Shrivenham , which contrasted strongly with the arable parts of Berkshire situated to the east of it .
14 Whether a system with finitely many basic signals is a system of communication in the strong sense — that is , a linguistic system — depends on whether the characteristic behaviour within which and against which it is interpreted is complex enough to sustain attributions of higher-order beliefs and intentions to the creatures concerned .
15 The trunk is powerful enough to uproot trees or tear great limbs from their upper branches .
16 Although it is to be used , filled out , and completed by one carrier only , its layout resembles that of air waybills whose text is flexible enough to include references to combined transport shipments .
17 This is flexible enough to follow curves , and it comes split along the length so it can be wrapped around a pipe
18 Once again it 's claimed that the algae is toxic enough to kill animals , specifically two dogs according to the Glasgow Daily Record .
19 For this test a parametrization of the metric is chosen which is general enough to include deviations from Newtonian mechanics which are wider than general relativistic effects ( this post-Newtonian parametrization has also been applied to analysing individual effects ) .
20 Naturally it is big enough to take casseroles or roasts .
21 It is common today to hear complaints from established institutions , which still claim some dominance ( now more usually called ‘ responsibility ’ ) in general social and cultural reproduction , against the character of market-dominant cultural production , usually specified as ‘ sex-and-violence ’ .
22 Ruth Seabrook , Sponsorship Director , said : ‘ It is difficult enough getting sponsors without the field of potential benefactors being reduced ’ .
23 The ice is thick enough to take tools but not protection — the only offer of salvation a mention in the guidebook of a peg at 20m .
24 Advertising speaks , in the main , of accelerations that are laughable on crowded city streets , top speeds that are illegal and handling that is beneficial only to rally drivers .
25 The Homicide Act requires evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control : this is wide enough to include things said or done by persons other than the deceased , and acts done against persons other than D ( e.g. where D is provoked to kill someone who has just committed a sexual offence upon D 's son , daughter , wife , etc . ) .
26 Section 1(3) originally defined " dependant " as ( i ) the wife or husband of the deceased ; ( ii ) any person who is a parent or grandparent of the deceased ; ( iii ) any person who is a child or grandchild of the deceased ; and ( iv ) any person who is , or is the issue of , a brother , sister , uncle or aunt of the deceased ( and that of course is wide enough to include nephews , nieces and cousins ) .
27 Anyone who believes that the Bill goes far enough or is radical enough to satisfy customers ' interests is living in cloud cuckoo land .
28 It is tempting perhaps to think musicians were innocent of technology at least until the age of the LP and stereophonic sound .
29 For " A " level and undergraduate essays , in most cases , it is sufficient simply to underline titles of books , journals and long poems , and to enclose the titles of articles , short stories , short poems and individual essays in single inverted commas .
30 With modifications of either nuclease P1 enhancement or butanol extraction the assay is sensitive enough to detect adducts in microgram quantities of native human DNA and has been used to detect and quantify adducts in a number of human tissues .
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