Example sentences of "is [adj] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As far as personal computer local networking is concerned , ‘ there is little to choose from between Microsoft Corp LAN Manager and Novell Inc NetWare , although NetWare has the edge in performance , ’ the report concludes .
2 As far as personal computer networking is concerned , ‘ there is little to choose from between Microsoft Corp LAN Manager and Novell Inc NetWare , though NetWare has the edge in performance , ’ the report concludes .
3 To answer this question it is possible to refer to at least two areas of discussion .
4 It is possible to conceive of at least two different interpretations of this role , one in which Hymen 's idealization of the pastoral world is undermined only by subsequent events , the other in which the ridiculousness of his words becomes apparent immediately .
5 A ‘ tolerable risk ’ is one that society is prepared to live with in order to have certain benefits and in the confidence that the risk is being properly controlled .
6 The actual sound ambience of this recording is less dry than the sort of sound that Philips is prepared to settle for in the same hall , and it is refreshing to hear Nicholas McGegan 's fine cast of soloists use the hall 's natural resonance to give the distinct impression that they are enjoying themselves and confirming , to one listener at least , that an important part of enjoying oneself is showing off .
7 On the other side of the mountain lies Gable Crag which , though it can be approached from Wasdale , is easier to get to from the top of Honister Pass .
8 Theta and Eta are in the same × 7 field with p and the obviously reddish q , as well as the open cluster NGC 3114 , which is not bright , but is easy to see with × 7 and very obvious with any higher magnification .
9 It is easy to see with × 7 as a hazy patch , and with × 12 there is a hint of resolution into stars ; many individual stars can be seen in it with × 20 .
10 It is easy to see with × 7 .
11 Zeta is in the same field with the reddish , K-type Theta ( 5.3 ) , which is easy to see with × 7 or higher magnifications .
12 It is easy to identify with × 7 , and with × 20 it is not greatly inferior to M13 in Hercules .
13 We shall refer again to this investigation but there is one aspect of it which it is appropriate to comment upon at this point .
14 It 's just No , G of three , is three squared plus on .
15 The growth is likely to continue for at least two reasons .
16 Foreign exchange is hard to come by for imports into the GDR , and shortages and waiting periods , not so frequent in the West , are normal .
17 The great snipe is a summer visitor to Norway and the Baltic provinces , and is hard to come by in Britain , where it is a vagrant winter visitor .
18 You now explain to them that it is better thought of as an object with certain transformation properties under rotations .
19 Just as Marlowe can choose to enter into purely fantastical land of his own making , which caters for his own desires and ignores that which he is unable to cope with in the real world , Marvell can slip into his garden and is free , for a period , from the ball and chain of the world he flees from .
20 Before trying to hatch other butterflies , or moths , it is essential to read upon on the life cycles of individual species .
21 His subsequent account of the Outer Hebrides ( MacGillivray , 1830 ) is one referred to by Campbell ( 1937 ) as outstanding .
22 It is first heard of at the coronation of Pope Nicholas II in 1059 , when it appears that because the mitre had passed into general use by bishops ( and even by princes ) the pope 's own headgear had to undergo change to become distinctive and exclusive to the pope .
23 , Robert ( fl. 1556–1574 ) , surveyor and map-maker , is first heard of as a cartographer who mapped the English pale at Calais in 1556 , on the instructions of the royal auditor , John Chaloner .
24 It is first heard of about the year 1000 , and a charter of 1005 speaks of the ‘ haga ’ or enclosure which existed here .
25 Born in 645 or , less probably , in 646 , he is first heard of in 655 , at the time of the battle of the Winwaed between the Mercians and the Northumbrians , when he was a hostage with Queen Cynewise of Mercia .
26 However , it is worth noting that the London Basin is interrupted by a well-known series of uplifts stretching from the Thames Estuary to Windsor which it is difficult to account for without postulating a further line of basement dislocations , possibly Variscan in origin .
27 There have been other exports from the UK and Ireland who have done quite well , but news is difficult to come by in spite of many requests for information .
28 Moreover , the use by the courts of these common law devices of obstruction , breach of the peace and nuisance is difficult to legislate against as the essential purpose ( which before the 1960s had been more or less achieved with police co-operation ) is to permit ‘ reasonable ’ picketing , including the right to accost for a short period within which arguments can be advanced , without putting persons in fear or to immoderate inconvenience .
29 As Romaine ( 1984b ) points out , the notion of semantic equivalence is difficult to work with in practice , even if we attempt , following Weiner and Labov , to limit it to truth-conditional equivalence .
30 Koops himself , optimistic to the last , is last heard of in 1805 soliciting subscriptions for his river maps ; his widow died in 1815 .
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