Example sentences of "is [verb] from [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As are considerations that go a step beyond them , such as a policeman 's attitude to his wife and family ( he is stopped from going off duty at the time his wife expects : what will be her reaction ? ) or an unmarried policeman 's love life , or for that matter the love life of a policeman who is cheating on his wife .
2 Given this topic framework , J is constrained from talking about these things unless he introduces into the topic framework some additional information which he could then treat as shared by his hearer-that one of his brothers had gone to Australia to train as a brain surgeon and he considered doing the same , but settled for bricklaying instead .
3 Conversely , those whom he is supposed to desire , and always in specified ways , namely women , he is discouraged from identifying with : that would equal effeminacy ; so in relation to them desire for precludes identification with .
4 This is in part due to practice ; but there is also an influence of maturation , for if a chick is prevented from pecking at food during its second day , it will still be better at pecking on its third than on its first day ( Figure 3.5 ) but it will not be as accurate as it would have been if it had been allowed to practise .
5 The individual is prevented from commenting on the inconsistencies in that if he attempts to do so , he is met by condemnation that increases the confusing bind ( Bateson et al. , 1956 ) .
6 It is interesting to note , that while the connected individual may , once the stipulated six month period has expired , deal in the relevant shares ( notwithstanding the fact that the information still retains its unpublished price sensitive character ) , the tippee is prevented from dealing in those shares on the basis of the same information until the proscribed information has lost its unpublished price sensitive quality .
7 A man and woman who do not want to have a baby can still enjoy lovemaking if they make sure the egg and sperm never meet , or if the egg is prevented from settling in the womb .
8 if the driver is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or it is necessary for him to stop in order to avoid an accident- or
9 As the blood tries to flow backwards , the pockets fill up , closing the valves so that blood is prevented from flowing in the wrong direction .
10 PAMELA overhears some of the ensuing scene but is prevented from interrupting by the CARDINAL and the FOX ]
11 In fact , if glass is prevented from cracking in tension , say by putting it into compression , then it is quite easy to get it to flow like a soft solid ; for instance , glass will behave like putty under the blunt point of a diamond indenter but the shear stresses required to cause flow are well above the normally observed fracture stresses — in common glasses at room temperature usually above 500,000 p.s.i .
12 There is no evidence that HsdR is prevented from assembling with HsdM and HsdS ts-1 to produce the mutant endonuclease .
13 In England , for example , a brewer is disqualified from acting as a licensing justice only in the county or borough in which he is a brewer .
14 When a member of a board is disqualified from voting in a particular application , he should vacate his scat during the hearing : R. v. London County Council [ 1892 ] 1 Q.B .
15 The proposal reflects the fact that the business of the world 's biggest banks is shifting from lending to the trading of securities , securitised loans , foreign exchange and derivative financial products such as swaps and options .
16 WE LEARN from Paul Johnson 's review last week of Barbara Caine 's Victorian Feminists that he dislikes certain sorts of academic terminology , detests feminism , and believes the most effective way of achieving political ends is to refrain from campaigning for them .
17 And this is taken from belonging to the John and you can see it originally in the York Minster Library .
18 The electric industry is prohibited from passing on the costs of environmental protection to the public .
19 Equally , the tippee is prohibited from dealing in the shares of any other company if he knows :
20 This can , of course , be potentially dangerous for the partnership as a whole , since even acts in which the partner is prohibited from indulging under the deed of agreement may still fall within this category of ‘ ostensible authority ’ so long as the outsider concerned is not aware of the relevant restriction .
21 I AM surprised to see that the England Colts selectors have included A. Jackson in the squad of 25 and also on training weekends , while at the present he is banned from playing for stamping .
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