Example sentences of "is [verb] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Less is heard of the other welfare state , which runs parallel to the ‘ traditional ’ welfare state , and is financed by tax concessions , such as mortgage interest relief and pension contribution relief .
2 Although no explanation is given of the stunned response of her fellow pilgrims at the end of her tale : their response is not difficult to understand .
3 In contrast , the disquieting literature of more dissident bourgeois intellectuals/writers such as Andre Malraux , Louis Aragon and Elsa Triolet is unreservedly praised , and a sympathetic account is given of the cultural activity of working-class writers such as Georgette Gueguen-Dreyfus , Eugene Dabit and Andre Philippe .
4 A literal translation is given of the Arabic themes to highlight the partial loss of orientation through discontinuity of theme .
5 The Junior boys and Cadet girls are defending champions but much is expected of the Junior girls side , with the U-12 girls having an outside chance of upsetting Leinster .
6 If you study the UKCC 's Code of Professional Conduct ( Appendix 1 ) you will see that the criteria for desired outcomes relates directly to what is expected of the registered nurse and health visitor .
7 One is reminded of the early expert , but possibly apocryphal , prediction that the maximum number of computers which could be envisaged as being necessary in the UK might be as much as two .
8 Open one of the new novels of the 1950s and read a page at random , and one is reminded of the inter-war comic fictions of P. G. Wodehouse or the early social novels of George Orwell .
9 He cites five such features of highly automated plants : the finely graded status structures of such organisations , arising from the more even balance than in other industries between skilled , semi-skilled , and unskilled workers ; the relatively smaller size of plants and work units ; the changed role of management ( with the work units taking over quality supervision and the machinery controlling the level of output , management is left with the job of providing advice rather than instructions ) ; there is blurring of the dividing line between manual and non-manual work ; and the greater prosperity and lower proportion of labour costs allows management to offer higher pay levels , a wide range of fringe benefits , and a high level of job security .
10 But this is to talk of the nominal or official method of appointment .
11 Also in 1935 , the men were given permission to mark cards for the Ladies , but nothing is said of the reverse procedure .
12 It is in a rather different sense that it is said of the wicked that they will soon fade like the grass ( Ps 37.2 ) , for there it is not an inbuilt weakness of the human constitution that accounts for the imminent death of the wicked but a fate peculiar to wrongdoers .
13 It is built of the typical pale Yorkshire brick with local stone dressings .
14 Mention is made of the Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination Acts but there is no attempt to question their ultimate effectiveness .
15 The lecture method has the great disadvantage that the speed of delivery of information can not be controlled by the receiver , and repetition is not possible unless printed handouts are provided , the student manages to write a synopsis , or some recording is made of the actual lecture .
16 Apart from the dubious nature of several of these claims , no mention is made of the possible ill effects of health services on economic growth .
17 A calculation is made of the estimated gross return from a development project less ; construction costs , including siteworks , roads and sewers architect 's fees planning and building regulation fees legal and estate agent 's fees overheads and interest on capital invested profit required The balance will equal the residual valuation of the land .
18 That their duvet cover is made of the Russian flag and the Union Jack can be passed by ; better are such details as the fact that Russians call spam ‘ Roosevelt smile ’ ; the question of whether Down 's syndrome chidren are known as Mongols in the USSR , and a dispute over private medicine : ‘ You think I 've fled 1,000 miles from scientific communism just to live with Mrs Engels ? ’ asks Slava .
19 Scarcity value apart , the Stag is made of the right stuff by classic yardsticks .
20 The display can be even more eye-catching if use is made of the wide choice of containers now available .
21 No mention is made of the lateral road on the ridge of Busaco which was so carefully restored by Wellington and which played such a vital role in the successful conduct of the battle .
22 8.8 To ensure that appropriate use is made of the available line management support arrangements , all requests for external counselling must be discussed with the employee and approved by the relevant District Manager .
23 Kava is made of the ground-up roots of the kava bush .
24 Much play is made of the dual nature of Woman as madonna and whore : a chestnut by now , surely to God .
25 A study is made of the social characteristics of medical men , their social origins , incomes , household structures , and place and type of residence .
26 Often so much fuss is made of the mother-to-be that the father-to-be feels left out .
27 This starts when the announcement is made of the proposed or possible takeover offer ( with or without terms ) .
28 At the time of writing , the THORP plant is in fact nearing completion , and the Sellafield management is boasting of the long list of multimillion pound contracts it has already won to reprocess nuclear fuel from around the world .
29 However , further evaluation is needed of the other important aspects of psychogeriatric assessment , and of the long term outcomes associated with this particular style of service .
30 1 to 2 pm : The rest of the Cabinet is told of the impending statement .
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