Example sentences of "is [verb] by many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Between Talabheim and Altdorf the river is joined by many streams which flow south from the Middle Mountains , laden with dark soils washed from the mountain slopes .
2 The rest of the poem is concerned with the social causes of human misery : the Female Vagrant tells us that This is dismissed by many critics as ‘ tainted with Godwinism ’ , but I can not myself see that lines like these are ever likely to become out of date .
3 The relationship between COURSE and LECTURER is many-to-many , that is , one LECTURER lectures on many COURSES and a COURSE is given by many LECTURERS .
4 This so-called ‘ hidden curriculum ’ is claimed by many feminists to be at least as important in child development as the formal curriculum ( see , for example , Byrne , 1978 ) , and has been subject to intensive study ( e.g. Spender and Sarah , 1980 ) .
5 Thus , although capitalism is blamed by many workers for the treatment older people receive today , it is clear that ageism has a history which long predates this form of social organisation .
6 Power transformations are a very important part of the researcher 's armoury ; while the exponents of exploratory data analysis stress them ( Tukey 1977 ; Mosteller and Tukey 1977 ) , their use is applauded by many statisticians ( e.g. Kruskal 1978 ) .
7 Standards of typography will rarely be a decisive factor in selection , but there is no doubt that small print is disliked by many readers — including those with good eyesight — and should be avoided on the relatively rare occasions that alternatives are available ( for instance , with the different editions of popular classics , or with light fiction , where the choice is very wide and content is less variable ) .
8 The enthusiasm with which the video nasties explanation as a crucial influence is embraced by many newspapers provokes three thoughts .
9 This record is made by many friends in recognition of his sacrifice .
10 Then with typical enthusiasm it reported , ‘ On fine evenings the course is visited by many ladies and gentlemen and the course was in measure responsible for the letting of the Royal Hotel ’ .
11 The lack of accounting harmonisation , particularly between the US and the UK , is seen by many bankers as the key issue in the development of the Euro-equity market , where new issues of shares are offered in more than one country simultaneously .
12 This ‘ normal ’ requirement is seen by many commentators as being totally impracticable for most small companies , and fairly difficult even for some large companies , particularly given the extended period which now needs to be considered .
13 This sense of responsibility , of having to be grown-up , is felt by many men .
14 The interferons are a series of small glycoproteins whose synthesis is induced by many viruses .
15 One alternative to rub-down transfers which is preferred by many designers is the use of crepe-paper tapes .
16 The conclusion is drawn by many incomers that the arguments about ‘ good land ’ are just excuses for Shetlanders to assert their control over local society .
17 And in a third sense , literature is thought by many structuralists to have a special relationship to language , in that it involves a unique awareness of the nature of language itself .
18 As I said before , the risk of collective action of this sort , which is regretted by many teachers ( as reflected in the rise and fall of the memberships of the different unions over the last few years ) , is that it tends to reduce to the lowest common denominators of more pay on the one hand and a narrow-minded , knee-jerk resistance to change on the other .
19 This profligate recipe for survival is used by many animals of many kinds .
20 Active flight is used by many animals to escape predators , and a particularly elegant study has been made on noctuid moths by Roeder .
21 Skin is affected by many factors including genetics , age , environment and attention — or lack of it .
22 This is affected by many things , most of which are to do with the interests and the values of the researcher , which are usually interrelated .
23 ‘ The argument against a one-party state is shared by many intellectuals , including those in the party and who work for the state , but those in power are for it .
24 This is dialectical , both in the sense that it is marked by many kinds of interplay , as we have seen , and in the sense that at each stage there is retention and extension of existing elements , as well as negation of them .
25 Whilst the quality of empirical evidence on which their arguments rest is doubted by many commentators ( Morgan , 1985 , p. 165 ) , the perspectives which they offer can be translated into important questions of contemporary relevance .
26 It is known by many names : the SEM , the Internal Market , the 1992 Programme .
27 Research funding is provided by many sources , among which the largest are SERC , ESPRIT , Wolfson Foundation , British Gas and Ford Motor Company .
28 Appearance in court is feared by many policemen and women , who express a worry about being humiliated by an aggressive counsel , of becoming ‘ tongue-tied ’ , and generally of having ‘ a rough time ’ .
29 This suggested association between lipid and lipoprotein levels and enhanced platelet function in diabetes is supported by many studies which have described abnormal platelet function in hyperlipidaemic non-diabetic subjects ( Nordoy & Rodset , 1971 ; Carvalho et al , 1974 ; Shattil et al , 1977 ; Colman , 1978 ; Joist et al , 1979 ; Tremoli et al , 1979 ) which have measured in vitro platelet aggregation , platelet factor 4 , plasma antiheparin activity and a bleeding-time test .
30 This view is supported by many examples spread throughout the text .
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