Example sentences of "is [verb] have [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is considered to have aphrodisiac properties , and some believe it to have been the original ‘ forbidden fruit ’ and that the Seychelles were the site of the Garden of Eden .
2 In this sense they also help to pin-point gaps in experience or competence , when a child is considered to have some areas of developmental concern …
3 The research is expected to have major implications for application of Decision Analysis , a widely used management decision aid .
4 Nokia Oy 's Nokia Telecommunications has Nokia Oy , won an order for a trunked mobile radio system for the island of Java , Indonesia from PT Mobilkom Telekomindo : it is worth about $7m with an option for equipment worth another $7m ; the network is expected to have 40,000 subscribers in five years , and all the major islands of the archipelago will be included in later phases .
5 The decision is expected to have widespread implications in connection with liquidators ' attempts to recover other bank debts with UK companies .
6 The Miniphone cellular network has gone into operation in Buenos Aires and some of its suburbs : the network is expected to have 10,000 users within a year , and is being run by Movistar — set up by Telecom Argentina SA , and controlled by STET SpA and France Telecom — and Telefonica Argentina ; initial investment in the project is $42m , but this is expected to rise to $100m over the next three years .
7 Raytheon is said to have first orders in hand .
8 The Hwange national park alone is said to have 45,000 elephants : three times as many as the vegetation can support .
9 It may also be worth trying a herbal tea , called taheebo or pau d'arco — it is said to have anti-fungal properties , although this has not been verified scientifically .
10 The Khmer Rouge has infiltrated the towns , and is said to have secret sympathisers at very high levels in the Phnom Penh government .
11 This form of collaboration is said to have several advantages in that it offers greater control over research and development linkage by better managing the interface between public sector research and industry .
12 He was also educated at Harvard and Sussex Universities and is said to have more diplomas than a university vice chancellor .
13 A common denominator both of these critiques and of positivism and natural law theories , is that most of them speak about the law — even if this is seen to have many facets .
14 ‘ As far as I can see , ’ he said , blinking magisterially , ‘ this decision by the European Court is going to have far-reaching consequences .
15 The plant is going to have pink flowers so I paint the foliage quite dark — I can always lighten it
16 Police refused to say if he had a criminal record or gun licence , but he is know to have several passports .
17 But trick or trend , Ketamine is beginning to have nasty consequences .
18 ISC is understood to have small contracts in each of these territories but further ‘ phantom ’ contracts are believed to have been invented to make the company seem more successful than it was .
19 During his working years he has considerable leisure which is bound to have some interactions with work .
20 This is bound to have competitive implications for the UK banking sector , which is already heavily rationalized and has therefore little scope for gaining further economies of scale .
21 ‘ She is bound to have longer legs , a sexier smile and better bedroom manners ’
22 A phantom is bound to have longer legs , a sexier smile and better bedroom manners than a real person .
23 For example , it is important to know what properties an estimator or test statistic , which is known to have good properties if we happen to have chosen the correct model , will have for models with particular types of mis-specification .
24 So far 11 of the 24 parks have been established and it is hoped to have remaining areas protected by the end of 1994 .
25 We have not yet examined the implications of the structural or cost implications of this proposal in detail , but it is hoped to have preliminary drawings and outline cost estimates available prior to any Board Meeting called to discuss this issue .
26 The major consequence of this bureaucratic inheritance is thus an imbalance between the power of bureaucracy and the power of other political institutions , an imbalance which is believed to have serious implications for further political development .
27 The major locus , which is assumed to have two alleles — A and A' producing three genotypes AA , AA' , A'A' — is defined by three parameters : q , the frequency of the major gene A' ; t , the displacement — that is , the distance measured in standard deviations on the liability scale between the two homozygous genotype class means ; and d , the degree of dominance , expressed as the position of the heterozygous class mean in relation to the homozygous class mean ( d=0 corresponds to a recessive gene , d=1 to a dominant gene , and d=0.5 to an additive gene ) .
28 Howard has suggested that threats of force directed at any person for whom the complainant ‘ has or is presumed to have strong affections ’ should negative consent .
29 The car ( see Figure 2.20 ) as a single object is declared to have particular features or attributes ; these may be size , performance , carrying capacity , etc .
30 51 is discovered to have kind feelings which like Wemmick he conceals from his office life .
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