Example sentences of "it went [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They got off the train , jumping as it went slow under the Sallins bridge .
2 ‘ Alright , it was a success , but it went right against the music .
3 Advertising revenue would certainly help , or would boost profits , but much of it went simply on the paper and production costs of printing the advertisements .
4 But it was a universal grant , which meant that it went equally to the millionaire 's widow and to the widow who had very little .
5 It went straight across the area where Deane wellied in from about 6yds .
6 it was in here it was sort of like , he 'd been niggly all day , he was tired , he sort of like knocked it over with his foot , and of course it went straight over the dry nappy that was laid out on the floor ready to put under him , I said oh that nappy
7 I do n't think , when you draw this trace perhaps it went just over the pin and did n't click it down .
8 Most of the other metopes are fragmentary , and it is hard to say if they carry out this distinction , though the little that remains of the lion suggests that it went well with the other western ones .
9 It was an important step towards the ideal of interchangeable parts , and it went well with the nineteenth century transforming of craft activity into modern industry , remotely controlled by paper in the form of plans and drawings , prepared by people in a distant office and perhaps in a distant town .
10 Even as she heard her own voice she was horrified by what it was saying , but somehow could n't stop herself , even though it went completely against the grain to tell such blatant lies .
11 It was a sunny day , and the garden party in the grounds of the school was a success , for Deborah and Stephen Manning , alerted by Sebastian and Alix , had insisted on presenting champagne ( you wo n't get anything to drink otherwise , they had been warned ) and it went quickly to the heads of those unaccustomed to drinking at all , while Sebastian 's contingent had primed themselves at their hotel before arriving , in double defence .
12 It went overboard into the sea . "
13 It seemed to be from a small freshly lit fire and it went unwaveringly into the still April air until it dissolved in the far blue .
14 The play began its provincial tour in Cambridge ( it went all over the country , but when it came to including the play in Ken 's career notes for Who 's Who in the Theatre , he only mentions Cambridge , as though referring to the West End theatre of that name ) .
15 Yeah , and it went all over the table !
16 It went all round the room and had ten different colours in it .
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