Example sentences of "it does [adv] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 However , it does also remove any chance of adjusting your line with the accelerator , causing artificially strong understeer that builds up as soon as the ASR exclamation mark lights up in the speedometer .
2 Of similar size and weight to the older ICOMs and King , Narco and Terra sets reviewed in December 1990 's Pilot , it does however offer some distinct advantages over these earlier units .
3 It does nevertheless require some expertise and the melody line is often set too high for congregations .
4 It does not matter whether the party accepting the consideration has any apparent benefit thereby or not : it is enough that he accepts it , and that the party giving it does thereby undertake some burden , or lose something which in contemplation of law may be of value .
5 ‘ I think for a man in my position with my experience of playing for England and on the continent , it does not show much regard . ’
6 ‘ If it does not show that commitment , then the pressures from modern agriculture , neglect and creeping urbanisation will destroy all that is best in our countryside ’ .
7 Of course , they may not accept the beliefs , attitudes , or intentions that are expressed ; one can always object to what somebody else says , but it does not make much sense to do this unless one understands its meaning .
8 But Leeds ' own tartan terror , Gordon Strachan , insists it does not make much difference to players with championship credentials .
9 It does not make any appreciable difference whether the solid is glassy or crystalline or even polymeric , nor does it matter whether it has a high or a low Young 's modulus 50 long as it more or less obeys Hooke 's law , virtually up to failure .
10 Kurecolor Marker Inks are not much disturbed by subsequent overlaying and it does not make any real difference whether line or broad colour is put down first .
11 However , it is not very satisfactory from the point of view of attempts to construct a complete theory because it does not make any predictions of the values of the finite remainders left after making infinite subtractions .
12 It does not make any sense to hold it here any more .
13 We can not in justice defend it and it does not make any financial sense — to use a good accountant 's term , it is imprudent .
14 A firm must take reasonable steps to ensure that it does not make any personal recommendation to a private customer of an investment or investment agreement , or effect or arrange a discretionary transaction with or for an customer , unless the recommendation or transaction is suitable for him , having regard to the facts disclosed by that customer and other relevant facts about the customer of which the firm is or reasonably should be aware .
15 In truth it does not denote any single right , but rather refers to a disparate group of immunities , which differ in nature , origin , incidence and importance , and also as to the extent to which they have already been encroached upon by statute .
16 The first thing to notice about functionalism is that it does not fare any better than behaviourism in providing an account of what it is that V knows and BS does not , for BS could know all about V 's functional or covertly behavioural states ; so there is no lack of knowledge that his deficit could consist in .
17 This stage produces a family of subsets of the training set , the clusters , but it does not identify each cluster except by stating which example is in which cluster .
18 To say , as I pull my hand back from the flame , 'l have no reason to shun pain' , is no more than playing with a verbal formula of doubt ; it does not open any abyss under my feet like ‘ I have no reason to obey moral imperatives ’ .
19 Now whenever I speak , this provides grounds for believing that I have vocal chords ; but it does not express that fact .
20 However , the content required for such targets is inadequate for a true presentation of the Catholic faith tradition — it does not embody that content which adherents know as the essential elements of their faith .
21 It has often been objected to this account that it does not fit all of consciousness , that some of consciousness refutes it .
22 It does not explain all the peculiar initial conditions of the big bang ; but it does provide some rationale for conditions that otherwise have to be accepted as given .
23 It does not offer another explanation , however .
24 It does not hold such a prominent place in the village as Christ church near the pond , but nevertheless it is now too small for the congregation , so after years of searching a place has at last been found to build a new larger church on the outskirts of the village .
25 The reason is that despite the presence of what ? in the formula what do/does/did … do ? this question is really a substitute for the verb phrase as a verb phrase ; it does not assume any object for the verb : ( 25 ) the nurses swam at the weekend : what did the nurses do at the weekend ?
26 It does not assume any proof demonstrating its validity , and therefore it can not be knocked down for not offering it .
27 Er in paragraph a hundred and eight of that paper and I 'd I 'd like to read er read a quotation out , However because an exception is not acknowledged it does not mean that provision could not be made for this .
28 It is thus , roughly speaking , contemporary with the earliest of the Gospels , if , indeed , it does not pre-date all four .
29 Kiesling concludes : ‘ It does not appear that femaleness , femininity , womanhood as such is the barrier to woman 's receiving holy orders , but femaleness in a state of subjection . ’
30 It does not dispute such continuity to point out that the emergence of recombinant DNA was at least equally descendent from confluent broad and powerful scientific currents in genetics , cell biology , biophysics , biochemistry , etc .
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