Example sentences of "it down from [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The second point is that I 've , the Americans I , I , it 's one of the promises about street life in second from the bottom , two weeks in the winter , four weeks in the summer , well I know to my cost erm through my ear being blasted which is why you 're a County Councillor anyway , that it 's been six weeks at the present time , we 've had a lot of lights going down , okay we 're trying to improve it , we had people walking into cars , er , er a few burglaries which I 'm pleased to say the police have helped out in , but if we 're going to change and get it down from a level of six weeks to two weeks as it is in the area I represent , is that not a question of putting extra resources in it and there 's no good putting promises unless we can deliver .
2 I said there was to be a sale , but I would ask the solicitor ; and afterwards , when he came to take the barometer away , he took it down from the wall very , very gently .
3 I got it down from the top of the wardrobe .
4 Track it down from the root directory of drive C by typing : DIR WHATPC.BAT /S
5 I took it down from the shelf in my locker and went out of doors .
6 Let us get it down from the shelf for close scrutiny .
7 There 's a little tiny bit to tinker with , but it 's not if we were to , we , we 're canvassing at pressed about altering the length of the lunchtime break to break it down from an hour and a half and an hour and a quarter to an hour and a quarter to an hour which is being we would save some money on not paying our
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