Example sentences of "it had [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , I 'm not sure it had much choice in the matter , given that it made great efforts in the 70s and 80s to change its image from an ineffective amateur body into a responsible and professional organisation .
2 Before the cinema opened the men on the staff were given cigars to puff , so that when you came into the foyer it had that smell of luxury .
3 I mean it had that sort of look to it .
4 It had that quality of making you feel like an old friend who had visited there many times before .
5 Stephen 's voice had risen , as it had that morning in the garden , and again Kate thought that he was trying not to cry .
6 It had all sorts of implications .
7 It had all trees on it and looked as if it had been made for picnics .
8 By 1911 , when Italy 's newly launched first Dreadnought battleship was significantly named the Dante Alighieri , it claimed 50,000 members ; but although it enjoyed considerable official support it had little influence on government policy .
9 The NMA argued from the outset for a negotiated settlement , in part because of a fear that intransigence might lead to total defeat and in part because it had little money with which to fight the strike following the run-down of its funds during the 1921 lockout .
10 Within the orbit of the late Roman world , Christianity was primarily receptive ; it inherited a set of institutions ready-made , conformed to a social and political structure which had developed over a long period , and learned to live with a culture which it had little part in creating .
11 THE US Secretary of State , James Baker , hinted yesterday that the US withheld military support for Tuesday 's failed coup in Panama because it believed it had little chance of success .
12 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
13 We had continuous news from the front , but unless it involved someone we knew , it had little effect on us .
14 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
15 In the 1950s , the government of Colonel Oscar Osorio ( 1950–6 ) passed a law prohibiting prostitution in El Salvador , although it had little effect beyond filling the prisons for a short time .
16 It had little impact on the LSE students who , if they were in anything at all were likely to be inclined towards the Trotskyism of the International Socialists and the varieties of new leftism rather than this unknown creed .
17 It had many difficulties in controlling M3 , which proved to be an unreliable barometer .
18 This is the view cogently expressed by David Holbrook and it had many supporters among numbers in the National Association of Teachers of English .
19 None the less , the press still showed a moderately powerful influence on voting even when we controlled for voters ' initial partisanship and ideology ( Table 8.13 ) It had most effect upon those who were initially undecided or were Alliance identifiers .
20 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
21 The failure of the Warsaw uprising , where it had several adherents among the Russian officers of the garrison , dealt the organization a severe blow .
22 McKinsey said it had several programmes in place to build the information technology capability of its consulting staff , and Information Consulting could accelerate the process .
23 Also , although he would have denied it had any influence at all , Ketura had told him Jeopardy used that court , and that he always practised early .
24 The data was submitted on a confidential basis , because of the possibility of future publication , and so it is not possible to ascertain whether or not it had any influence on the deliberations of the Review body , but their conclusions on the quality of post-graduate geological research undertaken in Dundee and Strathclyde Universities were exactly in line with the quantitative findings described later .
25 Earlier another Bond director Mr Tony Oates said the corporation vigorously denied it had any knowledge of the alleged phone-bugging operation .
26 I find that an extraordinary statement of policy , because I had always believed that , in so far as it had any justification at all , the Labour party 's commitment to unilateralism , to the closure of bases , to the withdrawal from NATO , was based on a principle — on a deeply held conviction that those things were wrong .
27 Cleo Huggins made a tree that had another little notch on top , so it had this kind of Arabic feel .
28 The woman wore a dress that seemed very short when I recalled the picture through the next few years : broad shoulders , a straight skirt that hung the way it did — I know now — because it had some rayon in it .
29 Both small-town stations and large city stations proved amenable to this treatment , and it had some influence in Canada , but still the picturesque could not be stopped in its tracks .
30 It had some problems in holding revs steady at the bottom end of the rpm range .
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