Example sentences of "it can not [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If equipment is not shared , it can not spread HIV .
2 It can not offer voters a policy programme which will be implemented when it comes to power .
3 It is characteristic of faith that it can not remain in two minds ; it can not leave things in the air .
4 First , since the ICC is not a lawmaking body it can not formulate rules of a mandatory character ; indeed , its rules are intended to encapsulate proper practice rather than to distribute legal liability .
5 It can not cover newspaper announcements , private burial plots or memorials .
6 But it can not treat gender as a theoretical or methodological category , that might structure its own tools and methods of inquiry , and so it can not examine its own discourse for masculine bias .
7 And because the bay is long and shallow , like a peapod , with an average depth of only 9 m , it can not absorb heat well .
8 Therefore some would say that if an animal has no nociceptors , it can not feel pain .
9 A business can not plan without making forecasts , and it can not make forecasts without having some kind of plan to act as a framework for forecasters to use .
10 It can ask things of politicians but it can not make demands of them .
11 These corrections will have to be made on the raw data files sent by the Census Offices , since although SASPAC91 can correct individual variables within a system file , it can not output data in its raw form .
12 For example , considering ( 3 ) , there is no fixed number of participants at which conversation becomes impossible , but although a conversation can take place between five people , it can not take place between a hundred .
13 This virus affects the body 's defence system so that it can not fight infection .
14 Money may be able to buy flying time , but it can not buy skill — and it most certainly can not guarantee success in an aerobatic championship .
15 For example it can not run credit lines up the side of pictures .
16 It can not have children . ’
17 It can not be exactly the algorithm given above because the desired outputs d from the top layer are not known , so it can not calculate y * ( 1-y ) * ( d-y ) .
18 As this temperature rise occurs after ovulation has already taken place , it can not predict ovulation in advance .
19 Whatever grace can do , it can not follow denial .
20 It can not escape notice that almost without exception these duties were performed , and in most countries-at least of the West — only performed , by priests until the Council .
21 The pre-velar vowel can vary between mid-front and low-front , but it can not undergo backing .
22 The wind is clearly very tenuous , but though it can not sweep dust before it , it can sweep outwards some of any gas in its path .
23 Although information can do much to foster debate , it can not replace judgment .
24 The Government provides the opportunity , but it can not guarantee success .
25 However , whilst such a provision can prevent the business losing the battle of forms , it can not guarantee victory .
26 While it is very good at removing metals , dyes and some organics in solution it can not remove nitrite , nitrate , phosphate or ammonia .
27 The Admissions Committee regrets that it can not consider SCOTEC , SCOTBEC and other National Certificates and Diplomas , nor nursing qualifications nor Open University credits as alternatives for all or part of the Minimum Entrance Requirements .
28 Although these data are extremely useful , it can not assess reflux of potentially harmful materials such as bile , which has a near neutral pH , or even food with a near neutral pH that may contain other damaging agents such as pepsin .
29 It can not support TruType until the X-Windows server does .
30 I do not agree that Hampshire presented the case fairly , and I keep trying to obtain undertakings from Hampshire county council that , even if it can not support Government policy , it might at least present a more detached account of the case to parents when grant-maintained options are on the table .
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