Example sentences of "it can [not/n't] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 For all its frequent invocation as the ‘ concrete ’ , history must by definition entail a problematic represencing of an absence ; Derrida therefore argues that , even in its ‘ materialist ’ conceptualization , it can not avoid a certain metaphysics .
2 An unincorporated association has no legal personality of its own to protect , and it can not bring a " representative action " on behalf of all its members .
3 The complex , changing , and often unconscious nature of discourses , the analysis 's own discursive positioning , and the differences within it , mean that it can not reach a complete understanding of psychology 's discursive subjects .
4 Whatever view the court may take it can not compel a local authority to apply for an order .
5 It can not remain a secret much longer , in any case . ’
6 ‘ If your own family is so badly brought up , ’ thundered a Scottish columnist , ‘ so lacking in moral fibre that it can not make a go of its marriages , what price all those Christmas homilies ? ’
7 Within a given political economy where there is a ‘ free ’ market for labour ( taking this , hypothetically as given ) , labour becomes so plentiful and therefore cheap that it can not make a living .
8 If a local authority decides that a residence order in favour of a relative may be appropriate after initiating care proceedings it can not make a formal application for a residence order but it can recommend that the court follow this course .
9 Oxfordshire health authority has decided that a threatened £500,000 overspend means it can not open a new cardiology unit which would have freed beds for other uses .
10 Rather , it has abenefited from focussing on what it does best , and has learned from past mistakes that it can not charge a premium on its products — ‘ if you live by price , you die by price , ’ Street believes .
11 Quine suggests very plausibly that , even if experience shows something to be wrong with a theory , it can not point a finger at any particular hypothesis .
12 Crematogaster has become utterly dependent on its host plant — it dies if it can not find a tree of the correct type — but the relationship is by no means one-sided .
13 The House can not ‘ sack ’ a Prime Minister ; it can not dismiss a government — only the Queen can do that , and such a step would be highly controversial and provocative of a serious constitutional crisis .
14 A dog will not be deprived if it can not use a chair .
15 This spoon it must have , though it can not use a spoon for spooning but only brutishly wave one while mashing fistfuls of food — the feeding is done by Ma .
16 It is pretty clear that Labour believes that it can not get a majority for those policies domestically and therefore wants to achieve a situation in which they can be imposed on us by a majority of continental countries .
17 For an isolation experiment can not eliminate all possible environmental influences , all sources of experience ; it can not prove a universal negative , if only because universal negatives can not be proved .
18 The advantage of a muzzled ferret is that it can not kill a rabbit .
19 It is sometimes said of Parliament that , say , it can make it a crime for a Frenchman to smoke on the streets of Paris , or that it can not turn a man into a woman .
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