Example sentences of "it can [adv] [be] say " in BNC.

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1 It can thus be said that the programmer , rather than the user , dictates the form of the final design .
2 The two limitations were that recovery will not be available : ( 1 ) where it can properly be said that the payment was made to close the transaction , and ( 2 ) where the payer was mistaken as to the proper interpretation of the statute .
3 It can already be said with virtual certainty that lamb will never be as cheap again .
4 Simultaneously to starting a business , Louis started courting — and it can also be said he was piling-up a lot of trouble for himself .
5 It can also be said that the use of delegated legislation is desirable : ( a ) it allows a certain flexibility in the law .
6 It can also be said that , unlike Winckelmann , Hölderlin has some intuitive appreciation of the Greek spirit 's darker depths to which Nietzsche will later attach the name " flionysiac " — although Hölderlin gives them no such definition , and only in the last draft of his unfinished dramatic poem , The Death of Empedocles , do these depths receive a comparably urgent emphasis .
7 If you , fearing an attack by an octogenarian mugger , floor her with a swift knee to the stomach , then it can reasonably be said that you are , without doubt , paranoid .
8 It can however be said that the principle of justice , embodied in Martin B. 's judgment in Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 and perhaps also in Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , 56 L.J.Q.B. 457 , and expressed in the dicta of Lord Atkin and Sir Owen Dixon , still calls for attention ; and the central question in the present case is whether your Lordships ' House , deriving their inspiration from the example of those two great judges , should rekindle that fading flame and reformulate the law in accordance with that principle .
9 The difference between the evangelicals and the others is so great that it can almost be said that growth in the diocese as a whole is restricted to evangelical parishes .
10 Chain , which was introduced in 1811 , could be stowed in a small damp locker and so it can almost be said that chain cleared the space needed below for engines and coal bunkers .
11 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95·4 per cent of the time .
12 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95.4 per cent of the time .
13 In such a restricted case , where there is a master-servant relationship it can usually be said that the master or employer ‘ uses ’ as well as the driver , being the servant or employee .
14 It can hardly be said that the German Empire contained Prussia .
15 It can hardly be said that his optimism was fully justified , though ironically enough the supply did become more than adequate in most seasons from the middle of the century onwards , when traffic dropped away .
16 But it can hardly be said that the relationship between the two sectors has been as mutually productive as it might be .
17 It can hardly be said that anything very surprising emerges in the pupils ’ criticism of teachers .
18 Joseph Needham 's only indexed reference to dreaming in ancient China is tantalizingly brief : Oneiromancy , or prognostication by dreams , was also practised in China , as in most ancient civilisations , though it can hardly be said to have taken a very important place there .
19 The last remark could be made of financial problems also , yet , even in these hard times , it can hardly be said that insoluble money problems beset over half the population of Britain .
20 Thus the question remains an open one , and it can hardly be said that the hotel proprietor had put his property to any special or unusually sensitive use .
21 It can hardly be said to do so any longer .
22 It can hardly be said , even using this attenuated chain of reasoning , that the harm is ‘ likely , ’ more especially when the protesters had made plain their aversion to the use of force of any kind .
23 It may well be that the decision of a particular valuer appointed might fix the price and might be equally satisfactory to both : so it can hardly be said there is a difference between them .
24 He was one of whom it can truly be said he could ‘ talk with crowds and keep his virtue or walk with kings nor lose the common touch ’ .
25 Away from home taping , I think it can safely be said that no-one 's cause is helped by the bootlegging/piracy/counterfeiting trade that goes on .
26 Although one should not read too much into this , given that the families in the survey had at least one child in primary ( board ) school by definition , and therefore the oldest were sometimes the only ones of an age to be working , it can safely be said that the openings for girls in the printing trade must have been a godsend for low-income families with several children .
27 It can perhaps be said that the bereavement care teams who usually now come to help at such times are the public recognition of this phenomenon .
28 However , it is not known whether the courts would accept this argument , because it can perhaps be said that the shares management acquire in Newco are acquired pursuant to ( though not causally connected to ) an opportunity offered to management ( namely to buy Target or its business ) by reason of their employment/directorships with the vendor or Target .
29 Of the classes visited , it can certainly be said that those in which the teaching and the interest of the students revealed vitality , enthusiasm and the promise of sustained interest in the subject far outnumbered those in which a short and superficial survey … seemed all that the tutor was prepared to offer or the class prepared to accept .
30 In archaeology , I understand , it can now be said that computers are automatically considered for any project , however small .
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