Example sentences of "it will [vb infin] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If it telephones , ’ he thought , ‘ I think it will telephone at the same time as last night . ’
2 It will reopen at the Pilkington Glass Museum , St Helens on 26 June for a month before moving to Kingswinford , Cumbernauld , Dundee and Aberdeen .
3 No it would n't , ca n't , ca n't not at the ground level , it will sit at the top
4 ‘ What is more , it will cruise at the legal motorway speed , day in , day out , without problems . ’
5 Thus , a lease for seven years " from 25 March 1970 " will begin at midnight between 25 March 1970 and 26 March 1970 ; and it will end at the stroke of midnight at the end of 25 March 1977 .
6 If you are going to fly your glider efficiently while turning steeply in thermals with other gliders , you need to know how it will behave at the stall .
7 The picture quality is n't as good as the digital alternative , but the Relate 2000 costs significantly less : it will retail at the appealingly low price of £399 for one or £749 for a pair .
8 Unless a new source can be found , it will close at the end of April .
9 Softool Corp , Goleta , California , has released version 2.0 of its C/Manager change and configuration management tool for software development , which it will target at the Unix community : it is available initially on Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcsystems , and MS-DOS and other Unix versions will follow , the company says ; prices start at $16,000 .
10 Softool Corp , Goleta , California , has released version 2.0 of its CCC/Manager change and configuration management tool for software development , which it will target at the Unix community .
11 It will look at the current status of DIP , and outline the pros and cons of implementing systems in areas like insurance , law , local government and credit cards .
12 This chapter will follow the same pattern as Chapter 4 , but this time it will look at the views and experiences of students in English and communications .
13 It will look at the parallels between the humanities students ' viewpoint and the science students ' viewpoint , exploring similarities and differences .
14 It will look at the part played by pressure groups in the system , and it will examine the case that has been made for regarding democracy as significantly undermined by ‘ political elites ’ .
15 I hope , therefore , that it will look at the opportunities for expanding the scheme .
16 It will look at the motivations of different family members , and identify the ways families negotiate the division of business and household work .
17 In particular it will look at the work experiences of these workers , their occupational backgrounds and skill levels .
18 Using survey and field observation methods , it will look at the role played by professionals in the provision of social support to families who are socially disadvantaged and will also consider the relationship between different types of social support and the ability of families to cope with personal difficulties .
19 It will look at the historical principles of design of large gardens and their application to the smaller domestic garden .
20 When the court comes to assess damages for an injury , however , it will look at the position as it is at the date of the trial .
21 It will look at the entirety of the obligations undertaken by the firm and determine the nature of the relationship from the whole contract construed in the light of its commercial context rather than from a few words in the contract .
22 It will look at the way the assessment process is working , and that would certainly uncover if there are wide variations in the eligibility criteria being used by different authorities ’ .
23 It will view the events of Maastricht as important , but as yesterday 's agenda , and it will marvel at the failure of countries and their leaders to grasp the opportunities for progress .
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