Example sentences of "it would take [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He told a packed lecture chamber at Strathclyde University that the increase in CO emissions was now so large that even if there were a 1 per cent reduction worldwide from 2000 , it would take 100 years for levels to stabilise in the atmosphere .
2 If it just went in a straight line it would take fifteen minutes .
3 But Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind said it would take 100,000 troops years to defeat the Serbs .
4 As long as the men time I mean , perhaps it would take sixty men working for half an hour .
5 Aunt Sarah was right in saying that it would take five days to reach Liverpool , since the barge could go no faster than the horse which pulled it .
6 That does n't seem to me to be a very satisfactory way of detecting that these systems were n't working and with such complex systems as we 've got such as the system , it would take one person quite a number of minutes , if not hours , to check all the lights so I very much recommend this system and I should I suppose declare an interest when you start to talk about bulbs
7 If they are moved in that order then it would take twelve operations to move from a to b .
8 Well that 's interesting , because six women do the job in eight hours , and it would take eight women to do it in six hours .
9 It would take many pages to list all the ones which have been identified by researchers today , but the phenomenon was not just confined to recordings .
10 No doubt the threat of national paralysis seemed much worse than it was : after all it would take many weeks for the full effects of a national strike to have an impact .
11 He told us that it would take many weeks to sort out and would involve a variety of procedures , such as a medical , reports from the school and visits .
12 But it would take many years before Nordhausen became a green town , many years before it could even start to ease back on the pollution it coughed on to its inhabitants and the surrounds in which they existed .
13 Clearly at a basic level if you just gave someone a board and lake to practise on , apart from being dangerous it would take many months of frustration for them to work out what to do .
14 Mr Towndrow left his mother-in-law , a former pianist , at 4pm having been told it would take two hours to deliver her to Mile End , two miles away .
15 It would take two hours or more to reach the Auto-Route du Soleil on the long way to Paris .
16 Tonight the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford said it would take two patients from the airlift .
17 Thus if you set aside £25 per month it would take two years to accumulate the £600 minimum for the Gift Aid scheme .
18 It would take two years to decide whether the country would leave the Southern African Customs Union ( SACU ) , he said , but it was hoped that Namibia would be able to set up " a foreign exchange control system more liberal than the one which we must accept at present " .
19 Although admitting to the Kuomintang General Chang Fa-k'uei that he was a communist , he apparently persuaded him that it would take fifty years for communism to work in Vietnam ; and , in any event , it appeared that , of all the groupings of Vietnamese nationalists , patriots , émigrés and revolutionaries who were to be found in Southeast China , none of them was as dynamic as the Vietminh .
20 As I said , it would take fifty years before any decision we reach here , even made an impression on the one percent of land we do own .
21 TAXATION is unlikely to be increased , though that has been suggested , as it would take much-needed spending power out of the economy and be unacceptable to the newly-powerful Tory Backbenchers .
22 Echo Logic is n't rushing towards the Intel iAPX-86 market , estimating it would take nine months and four or five dedicated folks working on it .
23 It would take six hours to examine all thousand stones .
24 Love managed his second successive 68 , adding : ‘ We were warned that play would be slow here but I could n't believe it would take six hours .
25 As a working detective , it would take six months of living with a mate to trust him and know that when it came to the Crown Court appearance he would know exactly what to say .
26 He knew it would take great care and he knew also — inadmissible , subversive thought — that what he really wanted was to live with her here , securely , for the rest of his life : that was the earthly promise of the revelation at Hause Point .
27 However , it has been suggested that on the present basis it would take 46 years to clear the backlog in housing disrepair …
28 The survey was mainly restricted to the exterior of the Lancaster and estimated that it would take 2,000 man hours to bring R5868 up to exhibition standards externally .
29 It would take superhuman charity , she decided , to forgive , let alone encourage him .
30 The Libyan government announced that it would take reciprocal action against any countries expelling Libyan diplomats .
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