Example sentences of "it was always the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But as time progressed , and as she became ‘ official ’ as a member of the KGB , it was always the babushka who averted her gaze and looked away .
2 when I was advising people on unit trust things it was always the price of your units may rise and , as well as fall .
3 Hobson Brown , in Russell Reynolds ' New York office , maintains that his firm , more effectively than the other headhunters , has attracted the first real career-search consultants , graduates from business schools who have deliberately chosen to make a career in executive search ; it was always the goal of Reynolds himself to build up a business as prestigious and high-powered as Morgan Guaranty , in which an ambitious graduate would seek to work right through to retirement .
4 I never milked by hand it was always the machine .
5 Back in the 1950s , when the New York School was going into full session and paint was seriously flying in Village studios , it was always the work that was important , not the persona of the artist .
6 it was always the home .
7 And although it was always the hope that the county would continue to fund the project , and that every secondary school would eventually receive a grant of one sort or another , uncertainty meant that no guarantee could be given to disappointed schools as to their inclusion in a subsequent wave .
8 It was always the territory owner who ( literally ) came out on top .
9 It was always the joke or the next argument or the next meal at La paesana with my dad .
10 She says she never wanted to be a movie star : ‘ For me , it was always the stage . ’
11 To Richard , it was always the deal ; that 's what got him excited .
12 In the Zen and Taoist traditions , it was always the aim to get beyond words to the direct experience , and an emphasis on the senses rather than the thoughts may be a help in achieving this very necessary state .
13 The National Gallery asserts that it was always the intention of Kramar to donate the collection in its entirety to the Czechoslovak State .
14 It was always the intention that we stay through the Darkfall and monitor the activity , ’ said Rohmer .
15 It was always the intention that there would be a gradual move from that distribution to one based entirely on S S A , but that 's the current year position , where you 're getting a specific grant , and it is distributed on those , broadly those two factors .
16 Hearts ' defender was in Roxburgh 's original squad and it was always the intention to play him after a worthwhile display against Portugal in October .
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