Example sentences of "it was always [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was a trick , it was always a trick .
2 but it was always a decision for now , never one for always .
3 It was always a bit dull and unwelcome coming back home to Low Birk Hatt afterwards .
4 She 's very muddly and disorganized and I can see so clearly where she falls wrong … when I lived at home it was always a bit of a nightmare because I was always trying to get things straight .
5 Such ventures , however , left out those who were most disturbed or withdrawn and hence who found it most difficult to work ; these were left to idle their time away on the wards , and it was always a struggle to find sufficient financial investment in equipment and raw materials to establish and maintain occupational ventures .
6 But it was always a struggle and Mellish 's greater professional matchplay experience showed when the match went to the ninth and decisive frame , the English player winning on the black .
7 It was always a high-tea with toasted cheese , homemade bread and butter , and bara brith loaves that were sweetened by dried fruit , literally ‘ speckled bread ’ .
8 It was always a shock to me to find the life of the University town going along normally , as though the war was happening somewhere else .
9 Training hurt and it was always a battle to force myself out , but after six months I was managing sixty miles a week and sometimes doing fifteen miles non-stop in a hundred minutes .
10 It was always a mistake to let Mr Evans know you liked someone or had enjoyed anything .
11 It was always a treat for tired and hungry helpers to go to the Undercroft for refreshment .
12 A lot of them brought bacon and eggs but you had to cook it and they had to leave the pans and things clean when they left — so it was always a rush job and all policemen suffered from bad stomachs .
13 So in actual fact it was always a favour cos I got the jobs .
14 Yet they moved with more than usual purpose towards the hills ; and it was always a possibility , however remote , that some vagabond poacher or time-expired soldier living wild had hit upon Owen 's outposts without being detected , and thought it worth his while to carry a tale to Ruthyn .
15 The arrival of somebody new , perhaps it was always a miracle to her .
16 It was always a risk , using human material like these .
17 In fact , according to Gerald Thomas , it was always a toss-up as to who was the most popular character on the ‘ Carry On ’ lot at any one time , Ken or Sidney James .
18 Corbett rarely lost his temper and when he did it was always a pleasure to watch .
19 Although in her 94th year it was always a pleasure to visit .
20 Will over £1100 was made down there and it was always a pleasure to see the happy throng that congregated daily .
21 And she smiled so nicely at Inchbad and Goibniu that everyone smiled back and thought it would be really very interesting to hear about some of the strange lands and the faraway worlds the Humans had visited from the great Feargach Grian , and also that it was always a shame to eat Humans when they were pretty and young and friendly .
22 And it was always a ritual for the gardeners to have new potatoes and peas ready for Wake Sunday .
23 After the match in Boston , Massachusetts , Mr Taylor said : ‘ It was always a match over which I never had any control .
24 However , as a window into the emotions released by a virus-turned-epidemic , it was always a non-starter .
25 It was always a project which was in parallel with Queen , because we always had a positive attitude to people doing stuff outside the band , getting new experiences and bringing them back into the band .
26 Well it is so dry , god , but er , the first time I drank it , I think it was about threepence a pint , it was always a lot cheaper than beer , you know , it was in the thirties , threepence a pint .
27 But as time progressed , and as she became ‘ official ’ as a member of the KGB , it was always the babushka who averted her gaze and looked away .
28 when I was advising people on unit trust things it was always the price of your units may rise and , as well as fall .
29 Hobson Brown , in Russell Reynolds ' New York office , maintains that his firm , more effectively than the other headhunters , has attracted the first real career-search consultants , graduates from business schools who have deliberately chosen to make a career in executive search ; it was always the goal of Reynolds himself to build up a business as prestigious and high-powered as Morgan Guaranty , in which an ambitious graduate would seek to work right through to retirement .
30 I never milked by hand it was always the machine .
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