Example sentences of "it was up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
2 It was up on a height suppose .
3 out for me and erm , when he went in on Monday , erm it was the other one the lad that actually owns it , so I was in there for about bloody half an hour and we came home with some samples and one that I quite liked it was up on the wall and he said that is my best selling Axminster that I had , and it was like , it was maybe it was a bit too busy , it was , it was greyey and it was all different other colours in it , but it was a lot of flowers on it , it was n't a traditional Axminster you see Mike loves these traditional Axminsters and he does n't really , he wo n't really entertain anything else , erm , anyway I brought that sample home and what else ?
4 Once the basic outline of the artist 's sketches were reproduced , it was up to a team of colourists , some obviously better than others , to colour the 200 or so copies of each plate .
5 I went to see them about this but they told me it was up to the social security people to make up the difference .
6 He said the party told Romania last month it was up to the Poles to choose their future through free elections .
7 The scene , a stag-party 's post-pub , pre-dancing meal , was not going well : it was up to the fourteenth take , and the continuity man was looking frazzled .
8 The inquiry is limited to events after 1986 , but Mr Patten appeared to be saying that it was up to the head of the inquiry , under the oversight of the Police Complaints Authority , to decide whether to extend it .
9 They insisted that the massacre was China 's internal affair , that China had done nothing to harm the United States ' interests , and that it was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations .
10 It was up to the politicians to define the ends : an end to urban poverty , victory in Vietnam .
11 Laws used to specify offences such as loitering with intent or malicious wounding , so that it was up to the prosecutor to prove the evil character of an act that might be more or less culpable .
12 Whilst paying lip service to the concepts , the CEGB remained unconvinced that it should bother seriously with either conservation or the renewable sources of energy , especially if it meant abandoning Hinkley C. It was up to the government to decide whether to provide incentives for energy efficiency , whilst the renewables must wait until pilot projects showed their worth .
13 Bunting ( 1978 ) in more general terms disclaims this responsibility and states that with the introduction of high-yielding paddy it was to be expected there were social problems but it was up to the politicians to ‘ do something about it ’ .
14 Mr. Croucher replied that under the present law it was up to the applicant to notify other people of their intention in writing .
15 Mrs. Bethell said it was up to the youth committee to decide what they wanted .
16 The debtor was prima facie in the wrong and the creditor in the right , and it was up to the former to extricate himself from the charge to which he had laid himself open .
17 whilst , if a privilege existed , it was up to the House to decide whether there had been a breach , the existence of the privilege in the first place was for the common law to decide and it was for the courts , and not the House , to declare the common law .
18 ‘ Vaughan himself , a gentleman of highest principles , warned me of his intentions , saying it was up to the king to decide what , if any , action should be taken .
19 John Fahey , PRO , said his role as ‘ spokesman ’ was over now that an independent medical expert had examined the situation but it was up to the people of Ovens and Ballincollig to decide whether the assurances resolved their worries .
20 If China was ‘ backward ’ , it was its own fault and it was up to the people , led by the intellectuals , to do something about it .
21 Toni thought it was up to the individual : ‘ Madonna and Debbie Harry fulfil your iconic dreams , a possible ideal .
22 Moreover the whole point of the form of the public corporation favoured by moderate opinion in all parties ( and represented in the Labour Party by the Morrisonian conception ) was that it was up to the management ( and not the politicians or civil servants ) to develop the details of policy and organisation within only very broad guidelines .
23 Scotland was kilt-deep in it ; it was up to the lorry-axles on Shap , up to the bus-steps in London .
24 At Old Trafford it was wicket-high , and in Sussex it was up to the Downs .
25 Now it was up to the Marine Commandoes .
26 As late as 1965 , in Howard , Lord Parker L.C.J. appeared to consider that in cases of rape other than where a child was involved , it was up to the prosecution to prove that the woman had physically resisted .
27 If it was up to the NUM , we would still be working under arrangements made years ago .
28 In 1989 the Supreme Court had assisted employers to defend themselves by ruling that it was up to the worker to prove that such practices did not constitute a " business necessity " .
29 If it was up to the Labour Party it 'd be halved in two .
30 He said that the PLO was pushing hard for a role for Arafat in Monday 's ceremony and that President Clinton believed that it was up to the PLO to choose its delegation .
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