Example sentences of "it was also a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was also a reflection of a growing awareness on the part of teachers that learning in school would be more effective if parents were helped to understand what they , the teachers , were seeking to achieve .
2 Underlying it was also a vein of genuine practicality .
3 But it was also a relief .
4 It was also a threat , which might ‘ rock the boat ’ and provoke another disastrous onslaught of Roman wrath and retribution .
5 ‘ That was not a simple case of a husband obtaining a document from his wife ; it was also a case where the document had been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by means of pressure and the concealment of material facts …
6 It was also a country which consciously rejected the ‘ continental Sunday ’ and whose Grand Lodge of Freemasons severed contact with the French Grand Orient when French freemasonry no longer required of its members a belief in the Grand Architect of the Universe .
7 It was also a problem which enabled Labour 's new young leader , Neil Kinnock , to make his mark , perhaps for the first time since his election in October 1983 .
8 It was also a problem for David as well because he was n't getting any gigs and he was n't doing any recording work .
9 It was also a chance to see another daughter , Charlie , 29 , who has also made her home in Sydney .
10 This was indeed a place of power , shunned as studiously by modern shipping as by local fishermen , and yet it was also a chance to pay homage to the mysteries moving beneath the surface of this strange island region .
11 It was also a shock to discover that their father 's investments only yielded an income of some £190 per annum net , considerably less than Warnie ( desperate to leave the Army and live on his pension ) had been hoping .
12 Not only was it marvellous to visit such a fascinating country , but it was also a delight to meet so many keen and enthusiastic knitters who were a real pleasure to teach .
13 As I have said , it is claimed on Winchester 's behalf that in addition to being an exempted person , it was also a member of Lautro itself , and thus in addition an appointed person .
14 It was also a change for me sea fishing not to have to wear clothes — at least not many .
15 It was also a triumph over the devil , who was thought to be particularly active at death-beds , either gloating over the sinner who was about to fall into his clutches , or trying at the last moment to snatch a soul in the throes of fear or doubt .
16 But more important than that it was also a triumph which brought to an end his struggle to win a second Tour title .
17 The Uprising was primarily a rejection of Israeli rule and an affirmation of Palestinian identity , but it was also a rejection of American interference .
18 Perhaps it was also a tribute to her good looks ( if Ivy were really being naughty ) : Elizabeth need not have feared to face it .
19 This was in part an act of Yorkist pietas , since those who had suffered on the king 's behalf are particularly remembered , but it was also a plea for political continuity .
20 This was in part an act of Yorkist pietas , since those who had suffered on the king 's behalf are particularly remembered , but it was also a plea for political continuity .
21 It was also a knowledge that could not be unlearned or removed from the human stockpile .
22 It was also a lack of knowledge — 98 per cent of the people did n't know what the arguments were really about .
23 it was also a poem of social criticism
24 It was also a fight to consolidate his position within the insurgent camp .
25 It was also a sign that the days of love-ins were about to change radically .
26 For a start , it was more expensive ; but it was also a sign of conspicuous consumption , its enrichment slightly too ostentatious for a country with a preference for strong mass and modelling rather than upon lavish detail .
27 As the ground had dried out it was also a surprise that he should go so quickly on it and he just tired at Valentine 's second-time .
28 It was also a mistake not to have organised a separate workshop on Islamic fundamentalism and Salman Rushdie 's book , because this ended up dominating discussion in the International workshops making it difficult to discuss other anti-imperialist issues .
29 It was also a government of great stability of men in offices .
30 But it was also a mark of his belief that gossip was simply a waste of time .
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