Example sentences of "it was also the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It flashed on me that it was also the smile that Conchis sometimes wore ; as if he sat before the head and practised it .
2 It was also the year in which the train robbers were sentenced and France and England agreed to the principle of a Channel Tunnel .
3 It was also the year in which I discovered both sex and death , so I must have learned something , in spite of not going to school .
4 It was also the year of the first presidential election held under universal suffrage .
5 But it was also the year that the class structure of the underground , under pressure from a voracious music industry , ensured that a sizeable enclosure was partitioned off , in front of the stage , for the great and expensively attired of the new aristocracy .
6 It was also the availability of free information on radio and television , in particular .
7 It was also the home of the Brooklands Automobile Racing Club whose motto , ‘ The right crowd and no crowding ’ , neatly summed up its attitude — not for nothing has it been called the Ascot of the motor racing world .
8 November 5 , on the other hand , became the occasion for commemorating the Glorious Revolution , since it was also the anniversary of William 's landing at Torbay .
9 It was also the realisation of the fundamental concept behind page description languages , in that they were originally intended to be used for creating displays rather than driving printers , and the beginning of Adobe 's attempt to create a standard for graphics systems , now known as Display PostScript .
10 It was also the cradle of the nation 's aircraft industry , starting with A V Roe 's historic flight in 1908 .
11 It was also the cold : a chill wind had risen during the morning and ruffled the feathers of a sparrow which stood shivering on the window-ledge .
12 It was also the case that the conversion of the population to the market philosophy needed direction on a massive scale .
13 For one thing , as Jardine points out , while on the one hand the shift of wealth to the mercantile classes was leading to the break-up of the dress code , and enabling the socially mobile to appropriate , for purposes of inclusion , what were supposed to be signs of their exclusion , it was also the case that those who had ‘ arrived ’ socially often wanted to enforce the code against those who had not .
14 It was also the case for a small number of women with children who felt isolated because their social horizons were constrained by domestic and family expectations .
15 Consider also if cc occurred then , even if there also occurred any change x logically consistent with cc and e , it was also the case that e occurred-which is the first part of the independent conditional in ( 5 ) .
16 It was also the case in the very unmilitary Dutch Republic ; and in the Habsburg territories the Kriegskommissariat set up in 1657 and reformed by Haugwitz in the 1740s was made up largely of civilians .
17 It was not only that enclosures forced some small-holders into the ranks of the landless and into wage-dependency for the first time ; it was also the case that many who had been able partly to support themselves from small-holdings supplemented by access to common grazing for a beast or two lost that element of independence .
18 It was also the day of Serbia 's national saint , St Vitus ( Vidovdan ) .
19 We never celebrated her birthday , because it was also the day her mother died .
20 It was a shame , really , thought Robert as he lugged a crate of lemonade in through the front door , that it was also the day the whole place was due to be consumed in hell-fire .
21 But it was also the day an independent report suggested his defence cuts had led to far greater job losses than expected , especially in defence dependent areas like Gloucestershire where thousands have been made redundant from companies like Dowties and Smiths Industries .
22 Yes , it was the Felipe de Santis she remembered but it was also the man she had had harsh words with this morning — the driver of the red Porsche .
23 It was also the clerk 's duty to keep shareholders informed of the progress and financial state of the company .
24 In some regions it was also the name given to a scarecrow and the essence of its meaning was that something was scruffy and untidy .
25 It was also the voice of innocence , Peggy thought .
26 In the end , it was also the issue which secured a vital nail in the coffin of Britain 's nuclear dream .
27 It was also the issue weighed by the DPP before declining to prosecute Pasolini 's film Salo in 1977 .
28 It was also the pseudonym used by Christine Isobel Johnstone , wife of an Edinburgh publisher .
29 It was also the occasion of his resignation from the Society of Friends .
30 However , many visitors to the Locks have gone away without realising that it was also the location for one of the more fascinating engineering feats of the canal era , an ‘ Inclined Plane ’ which lifted boats up the steep Foxton escarpment on the Grand Union Canal , enabling them to avoid the climb through the narrow locks , which was both wasteful of water and time-consuming .
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