Example sentences of "it was [that] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So it was that every time I went to see her , she would run forward and stand , head on one side , looking like a little robin , waiting for her kiss .
2 So it was that a generation of highly educated women occupied their minds with Bowlby and Spock and The Joy Of Cooking and little else .
3 If Heydrich had a regret about life on earth — and he had never been heard to express one — it was that a day held merely twenty-four hours .
4 And so it was that a man who had tried his hand at a whole variety of working-class jobs but who was no friend of the labour unions could , as part of his episodic film Intolerance , quite effortlessly recreate a clash between workers and police that is so lifelike as to seem like a newsreel and to suggest that perhaps every subsequent labour riot followed its pattern .
5 Rain never knew how it was that a man who spoke no word of a foreign language could master the intricacies of ordering a favourite type of beer in any country on earth .
6 Lunch was taken on the terrace alone beneath the warming rays of the April sunshine , and after that she continued her exploration of the house , amazed at the number of rooms that were apparently shut up and wondering why it was that a man like Marc Alexander Vila would choose to live alone in this enormous and obviously expensive mausoleum .
7 During the long drawn out hostage crisis the American people had watched impotently , wondering how it was that a nation with the supposed military capability to wipe Russia off the map at the push of a button could do nothing .
8 The rush took me completely by surprise , and I think what contributed to it was that a lot of industry had closed down early , schools were closed , and many people had taken extended holiday .
9 The future must take care of when it was that the appellant would be released .
10 ‘ The best of it was that the farmer — Mr Harris — said that if I proved to be right , he 'd call me in again , especially as Mr Jarvis had said that my fees were moderate .
11 Yet the truth of it was that the estates were going to rack and ruin .
12 Viewers , when presented with a shot in which the subject is seen looking at something off the screen , will assume that the next shot will show whatever it was that the person was looking at .
13 Useless for Boswell to point out that notwithstanding the title ‘ Doctor ’ , physick did not belong in Johnson 's otherwise comprehensive repertoire , and here it was that the landlord made a distinction which so pleased Johnson : ‘ They say he is the greatest man in England , except Lord Mansfield . ’
14 So it was that the companies gradually came to terms with the increasing traffic and provided it with a further impetus .
15 Thus it was that the country which , reflecting the convictions of an invincible alliance of the middle and working classes , chose parliamentary reform , limited and partial but irreversibly directed towards full political democracy , and avoided revolution .
16 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
17 And , so it was that the Burghers of BR came to close possibly the most scenic standard gauge line in Britain in 1964 .
18 It was that the Pope grew angry and anti-Galileo when he learned of the events of 1616 , of which he had never been informed .
19 So it was that the affairs of Bedford 's House of Industry came under scrutiny by a Mr. Adey who wrote to the then mayor , Dr. George Witt , saying that he ‘ would certainly recommend that that nearly useless building , at present , should be taken advantage of to form an extensive union of parishes for workhouse purposes ’ .
20 Surely here it was that the idea for the famous murder by Lady Dedlock of the villainous Tulkinghorn was born ? ’
21 Thus it was that the idea of pictures as mere contributions to the decor was happily turned on its head the minute this visitor entered the darkened room and was greeted by a series of large colour photos of what could be described as ‘ Still-life with Penis ’ .
22 Although ‘ service ’ was in one sense effected in Illinois the purpose of , and assumption behind , it was that the documents would be transmitted by VWoA to Germany for the attention of VWAG .
23 He had been playing Happy Families at the time and wondering why it was that the families depicted on the cards should be so happy and his was n't .
24 ‘ It 's so humid , ’ they moaned , and they wondered why it was that the storm had left them in this stifling , steamy condition when storms were supposed to clear the air .
25 Or maybe it was that the defiance had turned .
26 Sergeant Bramble and Constable Quince very quickly gave up trying to understand what it was that the experts were looking for .
27 So it was that the Cohens ' life was very largely circumscribed by the Montreal riding , which had as its most prestigious centre Westmount , where they lived .
28 So it was that the trade emulated this sliding scale system for the populace at large .
29 True it was that the plaintiff did not undertake to do any work additional to that which he had originally undertaken to do but the terms on which he was to carry out the work were varied and , in my judgment , that variation was supported by consideration which a pragmatic approach to the true relationship between the parties readily demonstrates .
30 This was not surprising given that the Parliament was dominated by Faulknerites but even so , it was not clear to Ulster Protestants what it was that the DUP wanted in Ulster 's relation to the mainland .
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