Example sentences of "it was [adv] the case " in BNC.

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1 The ecumenical movement had become better established and although it would be an exaggeration to say that the major Protestant denominations were heavily committed to a ‘ Romeward trend ’ , it was clearly the case that many church leaders were seeking better relations with the Roman Church .
2 It was nevertheless the case that the Crimean War represented a far greater crisis than that with which the reign had begun .
3 It was generally the case that working-class loyalists , especially those connected with the paramilitary organizations , fared less well in the election than more ‘ respectable ’ loyalists and Vanguard had a larger number of such candidates than the DUP .
4 As their heroin use continued , it was generally the case that consumption increased .
5 It was also the case that the conversion of the population to the market philosophy needed direction on a massive scale .
6 For one thing , as Jardine points out , while on the one hand the shift of wealth to the mercantile classes was leading to the break-up of the dress code , and enabling the socially mobile to appropriate , for purposes of inclusion , what were supposed to be signs of their exclusion , it was also the case that those who had ‘ arrived ’ socially often wanted to enforce the code against those who had not .
7 It was also the case for a small number of women with children who felt isolated because their social horizons were constrained by domestic and family expectations .
8 Consider also if cc occurred then , even if there also occurred any change x logically consistent with cc and e , it was also the case that e occurred-which is the first part of the independent conditional in ( 5 ) .
9 It was also the case in the very unmilitary Dutch Republic ; and in the Habsburg territories the Kriegskommissariat set up in 1657 and reformed by Haugwitz in the 1740s was made up largely of civilians .
10 It was not only that enclosures forced some small-holders into the ranks of the landless and into wage-dependency for the first time ; it was also the case that many who had been able partly to support themselves from small-holdings supplemented by access to common grazing for a beast or two lost that element of independence .
11 At the same time it was doubtless the case that by-employments , which were probably the rule rather than the exception , were decisive in bringing the level of wealth in districts unfavourable to husbandry more or less into line with that of the more eligible farming regions .
12 Of Oswald 's dealings with the eastern Angles nothing is known , but it was probably the case that Anna , son of Eni , Raedwald 's nephew ( HE 11 , 15 : III , 18 ) , was established as king of the eastern Angles with northern Anglian assistance .
13 It was whole societies that were being democratized , and it was often the case that the extension of the franchise followed upon this process and reflected it , rather than being the sole or dominant issue in the nineteenth-century debate on democracy .
14 If it was then the case , as William Weber wrote , that ‘ La musique ancienne returned to dominate … as never before ’ in the actual repertory , matters of performance practice , by contrast , certainly did not stay static .
15 But it was still the case that with respect to the School " now it is not a credit but a disgrace to us " .
16 It was still the case that a white-collar woman employee within the public sector ( including , now , the nationalised industries ) had reasonably good pension prospects provided that she completed a lengthy period of full-time service .
17 Until very recently , it was usually the case that the ownership of a house in which a married couple lived was held by the husband , the woman having little direct legal claim to it .
18 It was certainly the case that in the first centuries the example of Jesus must have been a tremendous model for living and for dying .
19 However , it was certainly the case that girls ( like their mothers ) were seen as ‘ helpers ’ and ‘ guides ’ to men and to families , and the significance of the club was that it could show them how to overcome their ‘ understandable selfishness ’ and reveal ‘ the beauty of unselfish devotion to others ’ .
20 If it was really the case that he did not mention the power of attorney when speaking to her on that occasion and left her in ignorance of her responsibilities and status , his failure shows , in my opinion , such a want of care as to preclude him from relying , in support of his non est factum plea , on her ignorance of the power .
21 In practice , it was undoubtedly the case that petty persistent offenders were frequently given sentences that were disproportionate to the offences they had actually committed .
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