Example sentences of "it was [adv] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 I , I think it was largely the way most girls were treated .
2 The Buddhist revival provided opportunities for upwardly-mobile social groups to gain status denied them by the largely Protestant mudaliyar families of the Low Country , but it was also a way for Sinhalese to challenge indirectly apparent British scientific , economic and political superiority .
3 It was also a way of moving up in the world .
4 But there were also emotional reasons behind the rule as it was also a way of reasserting her authority .
5 Mostly , it was just a way of keeping myself occupied .
6 He 'd had a couple of sessions with his union rep and had been told not to worry , it was just a way of filling some quota ; if anything , his job was probably more secure now than it had been before .
7 Of course he was n't serious , it was just a way of flirting , but she could n't let his statement go unchallenged .
8 It was just the way she was .
9 It was just the way his hand flew to his pocket when you hammered at the door . ’
10 It was just the way she acted when I went in the cell .
11 We both got a bit drunk , and it was just the way it was .
12 I wonder whether he thought it was just the way the English talked , or whether he thought I was peculiar …
13 It was just the way the music was .
14 It was just the way he was at that particular time .
15 It was just the way she was Lying , ’ he said aside to the corporal .
16 Whatever it was just the way I did it
17 Scandal came easy to him , it was simply a way of life , a way of raising himself above the ordinariness of his upbringing in Fife .
18 Emily stared at them in horror but then a few bills did n't mean anything , most people hung on to their money for as long as they could , it was simply the way of businessmen .
19 ‘ After a while I stopped blaming myself and simply accepted the fact that it was nothing personal , no major failing on my part , it was simply the way Claire was .
20 He said it was quite a way — the other side of Préfleur , towards the hills , and that we would catch sight of the white gateposts from a distance .
21 Although Saddlers ' Hall , runner-up to Toulon in last year 's St Leger , did not defeat strong opposition , it was more the way in which he achieved this victory that impressed and he is certain to be a force later in the season .
22 It the impetus came I think largely from feminism and it was perhaps a way of of y'know kind of erm because there was a great deal of interest , particularly in the seventies , in cataloguing and understanding the various ways in which women were oppressed and this is one of the things came to light and often through things like consciousness raising groups .
23 The enormity of ‘ one roof ’ had taken her by surprise , and it was perhaps the way that had stiffened her which made her now feel so free , so beyond obligation .
24 It was hardly the way her readers would expect the creator of Nathan Latimer to react to a crisis , she thought , ashamed of her weakness .
25 It makes me wonder just how long it 's been going on , or if it was merely a way to get Calder out of an awkward situation . ’
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