Example sentences of "it is a great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a great achievement for any Scot to win an Olympic Gold Medal , no matter when it is achieved and no matter in which event .
2 The graduated fill allows you to choose a number of colours in the fill , not just two , which means it is a great facility for the poor of taste to prove their shortcomings .
3 It is a great name , though some say the atmosphere at the ‘ Kempi ’ is not what it used to be .
4 It is a great barn of a place which seats 5,000 but which that day was due to hold 2,500 .
5 If you do not feel you want to do this it is a great pity but at least do not avoid having your photograph taken as part of the normal course of events ( at weddings , parties , social events ) .
6 ‘ The English are great lovers of themselves , and of everything belonging to them ’ , wrote the Venetian diplomat Andrea Trevisano at the end of the fifteenth century ; ‘ they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say that he ‘ looks like an Englishman' ’ and that ‘ it is a great pity that he should not be an Englishman ’ , words echoed exactly in 1521 by the Scottish scholar John Major ; while the German knight Nicolas von Popplau , who visited England in 1484 , found a people who regarded themselves as the wisest in the world .
7 ‘ I think it is a great pity , ’ she said .
8 It is a great pity that the valley was over opened for settlement .
9 If you can go again this is no problem , but for the once-only visitor it is a great pity .
10 There is no better way of establishing the sea than by being lunged and it is a great pity that beginner riders are so frequently taught by the most junior members of staff .
11 This by-law has never been repealed and it is a great pity that it is not still rigidly enforced .
12 It is a great pity that the same word — depression — is used to describe both the common human experience of Monday morning blues and also a clinically diagnosable illness .
13 We may feel today that things might have been better planned , and that it is a great pity that what now looks like the decisive contribution of England to world history should have been carried through with so much muddle and mess .
14 Were it face-on to us , I suppose that binoculars would show the spiral ; it is a great pity that it is placed at such an unfavourable angle .
15 It is a great pity that there is not more provision of this kind .
16 It is a great pity that Fate placed her in a situation which allowed her no chance to properly exploit an undeniable talent .
17 I take note of what my Hon. Friend says : it is a great pity if any parish church has to be locked at a time when members of the public may wish to enter it .
18 It is a great pity that passes are being taken away from hard-working people , who are not even given any right of appeal .
19 It is a great pity that such reactionary ideas are still harboured by the Labour party in Havering and elsewhere .
20 It is a great pity that not one member of the Liberal Democratic party could be bothered to attend the European Standing Committee this morning , where we debated those matters for nearly two and a half hours .
21 It is a great pity that hon. Members do not take more notice of the admirable reports that are made by the Comptroller and Auditor General , which are followed up so well by the Public Accounts Committee .
22 He may derive some support from the statement of Templeman LJ in Amalgamated Estates Ltd v Joystretch Manufacturing Ltd : I think it is a great pity that any landlord should require , or that any tenant should accept , a provision making time of the essence when the consequences are so onerous .
23 And I think it is a great pity , that this council is losing some of it 's capacity to produce reports which are independent of the departments which are the most affected by them .
24 It is a great pity that they feel this is the right course of action to take . ’
25 Contrary to some reports , Test cricket is still flourishing in India and it is a great pity that this is not a five-Test series instead of three .
26 It is a great play precisely because it puts so much of England on the stage and because Shaw combines tragic pessimism with comic ebullience .
27 Dundonald International Ice Bowl offers a comprehensive league and tournament programme and in addition to the competition it is a great way to make new friends .
28 ‘ I think it is a great way to give something back to the donors because they can have a thoroughly enjoyable evening 's entertainment while raising money for good causes . ’
29 It is a great way to become strongly , personally involved at a reserve .
30 It is a great love ! ’
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