Example sentences of "it was [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was to celebrate recovery from this illness that he wrote his Hymn to the Supreme Being , on Recovery from a dangerous fit of Illness .
2 Although scarcely under challenge from other national groups , Russians made up a steadily diminishing proportion of the total population over the postwar period and the Russian Republic included many of the Soviet Union 's poorest farmland and most dismal cities , creating at least the impression that it was subsidising developments in more prosperous non-Russian areas .
3 In some cases setting was criticized because it was argued that it was producing underachievement in certain pupils , although many teachers did not accept this .
4 Like the style of coverage or not , we undoubtedly saw far more cricket than we ever would have done had BBC had the contract , and for that I for one am profoundly grateful and not ashamed to admit that I purchased my Sky system purely because it was producing coverage of cricket that otherwise would not be available on TV .
5 During the troubles of 1173–4 the inhabitants of the citadel seized the opportunity to turn their enclosure into a proper circuit of walls , a move which was probably aimed against the city rather than against ducal authority , though clearly it was taking advantage of the latter 's temporary weakness .
6 Another very important factor was that at the Boat Show the R Y A announced that it was taking responsibility for the national coordination of all activities er for sailors with special needs , that 's blind , deaf , disabled and there are many organizations who are working in this field but the R Y A is the coordinator .
7 The Russian government announced on Nov. 15 that it was taking control of Soviet oil-export licences from Dec. 1 .
8 Yesterday president Sylvia Byham said the club had originally planned the visit for last year and was delighted it was taking place at last .
9 Somewhere in the corridor , the basement door slammed and Jimmy watched everything as if it was taking place on a stage , and he was a member of the audience .
10 The problem with the current rapid expansion of higher education was not that it was underfunded , but that it was taking place in the wrong subject areas , he said .
11 It was taking time for Britain to recover from the First World War .
12 It was getting time for the last bus across London Bridge for the District Line .
13 Pictured right is a saffron-gatherer whose image , painted on to a wall in Thera ( now Santorini ) in the first century BC , was preserved under ash even as the volcano which produced it was destroying civilisation on the island .
14 Oddly enough Unix System Labs , when it was building Destiny from which UnixWare derives , explored using the Mac interface and originally intended to make the interface created in-house instead much more Mac-like than it is .
15 New Zealand 's Russ Thomas , chairman of the RWC board , said last night it was considering adjustments to the schedule announced — without prior notification to the SRU — in Cape Town in January .
16 For another it was learning French at evening classes when she had always been considered a complete duffer at languages .
17 The Japanese government , which also strongly supported a return to commercial whaling , announced that it was holding talks with Russia and South Korea with a view to setting up a similar organization for " rational exploitation " of marine mammals in the north Pacific .
18 No , she wanted some flip flops , but they did n't have any there either , but they had a lot of shell suits , cos I thought it was skiing ones at first .
19 So it was organized collecting of
20 Sun said it was bringing action over the alleged theft to keep the playing field level , claiming Axil 's illegal head start cut potential investment in the Sparc architecture .
21 Sun said it was bringing action over the alleged theft to keep the playing field level , claiming Axil 's illegal headstart decreased potential investment in the Sparc architecture .
22 For the next fortnight it was examined section by section .
23 Earlier this week Fryer , while on home leave from prison , went missing , saying it was to draw attention to his case .
24 BBA , the automotive parts to aircraft interiors group , yesterday announced it was tapping shareholders for £126 million to pay for expansion in continental Europe .
25 When McCaw Cellular Communications announced it was to swap $600m of its junk bonds for stock , the price of the bonds shot up .
26 The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) announced on Feb. 21 that it was allocating $1,000,000 in emergency funds for the refugees , which it estimated now totalled at least 100,000 and were crossing the border at the rate of 1,000 a day .
27 The town of La Rochelle was granted a " commune " , in other words it was given rights of self-government and allowed to elect a mayor instead of having to put up with being ruled by an official imposed upon it from above .
28 Established by Congress on Aug. 2 , it was given responsibility for drawing up a plan within 150 days for the " pacification " of the country .
29 It was given approval after careful consideration by a Government committee on the ethics of genetics which is supervising developments on what is now medicine 's most controversial frontier .
30 In cases of manumission , the slave in the first place had a dispensation from the normal prohibition on bringing suit against his master ; furthermore , after the Trajanic SC Rubrianum the tendency of the whole process before the praetor fideicommissarius was towards a declaration by the judge , and if the declaration was in favour of freedom then it was given effect by means of a fiction that the slave had actually been given direct freedom under the testator 's will .
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