Example sentences of "it is [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is painted a livid blood-red .
2 Apart from containing pictures of part of the scene where it is said the violent disorder had taken place and an incident leading up to the arrival of the police which was held to be part of the res gestae , the tape would have been useful to establish alibis some defendants wished to rely upon in respect of their presence in the club at a relevant time and the timing between significant incidents .
3 ‘ If it is said the constitutional position is not affected then that is the position .
4 Originally , the cross celebrated the vernal equinox and the rites of spring associated with the goddess Eostre , from whose name it is said the Venerable Bede derived the name for Easter .
5 A membrane which allows solvent particles but not solute particles to pass through it is called a semi-permeable membrane .
6 A typical form is shown in Figure 6.6 ( d ) , and you can see that there are several concentric rims , in which case it is called a multiringed basin .
7 It is called a reverse premium .
8 Officially , it is called a vertical axis hydraulic turbine , and is the brainchild of Barry Davis of Nova Scotia .
9 The Pastor smiled a little wryly , ‘ It is called a unitary family , now , and unitary families are under attack in certain quarters , but the family is at the heart of our religion and our civilisation .
10 It is called an only child , my dear … ’
11 Because there are three parts to this definition it is called the tripartite definition or the tripartite account ; it defines propositional knowledge , knowledge that p ; it does not define knowledge by acquaintance as in ‘ a knows James ’ nor knowledge-how , e.g. knowledge how to ride a bicycle , unless these can be shown to reduce to knowledge-that .
12 The cone is drawn with and marks out all the possible light paths through P 1 ; it is called the light cone at P 1 .
13 It is called the Red House because it is built of deep red brick , an unusual medium for a man of means , who was normally expected to build in something nobler .
14 Sometimes it is called the laminar sub-layer , but that is less accurate as it contains large velocity fluctuations ; and are free to rise more rapidly from the wall than .
15 In America it is called the thick-billed murre , and it is closely related to the common guillemot which breeds in large numbers on the cliffs of Shetland .
16 The matrix unc is of very great importance , not only in studies of the intrinsic properties of A , but also in dynamical and other applications it is called the characteristic matrix of A.
17 In the common case of a symmetric section , the load impedance that renders the input impedance equal to it is called the characteristic impedance .
18 I accept that it is called the National Water Sports Centre but from the attitude of some you would think angling was not included .
19 IR radiation with wavelengths between 5 and 15 m is sensed as heat and so it is called the thermal infrared region .
20 It is called the Blind Person 's Allowance .
21 It is called the Top-Flite Magna and Spalding — correctly , one fancies — anticipate much scepticism .
22 In many respects , rocks are like pitch , which flows like a liquid if it is left unsupported for long enough , for example on a steeply-sloping roof , but will also break suddenly along clean shiny fracture surfaces if it is given a sharp blow .
23 As it emerges , it is given a continuous coat of glue .
24 Yet there is a danger of reading too much into petitioning unless it is given a firm context .
25 In particular , an organization that is given a task that is controversial and unpopular in many quarters , such as an organization charged to promote racial and sexual equality or one providing help to a stigmatized group such as vagrant alcoholics , may find that it is given an unclear mandate and is placed in a position in which it finds it hard to acquire ‘ legitimacy ’ for its activities .
26 When the disk is found to be free from a virus infection it is given an electronic signature code .
27 When the disk is found to be free from a virus infection it is given an electronic signature code .
28 The actions of human characters involve a whole grammar of visual signals which the audience will pick up if it is given the right clues .
29 Although some regard competitor analysis as a subcomponent of environmental scanning , it is probably advisable to identify it as a separate and distinct analytical effort to insure that it is given the strategic priority and management attention it requires .
30 It is given the Greek symbol .
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