Example sentences of "it is [adv] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
2 When dates for particular artefact-types are given it is rarely made clear whether that date is one of manufacture of the artefacts , its period of use or the context in which it was found .
3 It is not called burning bush for nothing : I am tempted by the reputation its seed pods have for giving off a halo of oil vapour on still summer 's evenings .
4 The poet tells us that ‘ This race it looks not like an earthly race ’ , but it is not made clear what kind of chase we are witnessing .
5 This may seem confusing if it is not made clear what she means by ‘ literal ’ .
6 It is not made clear whether or not it is intended to be exhaustive .
7 If it is not made clear in the psychologist 's report , the Tutor should recommend the type of assistance which would be of most help to the Student .
8 Mr Haszeldine has made a formal complaint to the ward councillors , saying the rats are coming from the depot because it is not kept clean .
9 I mean yes of course we should live harmoniously together er who would y'know , sector of those people who have taken advantage of the right to buy and and so on and so forth but we talking about housing management in about housing management costs and if you have an estate of y'know being repaired similar houses which a lot of our estates are , it makes sense that they 're managed as it were centrally er and because that 's the most efficient way of doing it erm if you have a variety of different landlords in er one estate or one street and all the houses are similar , when it comes to things like modernisation and so forth it it 's duplicated a great deal of er er er of work and it is not cost efficient and it does n't make any common sense at all .
10 But as I suggested in the last part of Chapter 2 , this difference is not of any great practical significance : whether deviant motivations are taken as given because they express free will ( classical theory ) or because it is not deemed fruitful to attempt their explanation ( control theory ) does not , in itself ; have any practical implications for the subsequent criminological enterprise .
11 John Wright , the director of the CEGB 's technology planning and research division , told the inquiry : ‘ Whilst THORP may continue to operate beyond 10 years , it is not thought prudent to plan on this basis .
12 It is not thought appropriate to say that the modern economy requires such an underclass , and certainly not that it must reach out to other countries to sustain and refresh it .
13 It is not thought likely that this would give rise to any greater risk of breach of confidentiality of clients ' affairs than that involved with the rest of the staff .
14 It is not considered friendly to grab the nose of the person speaking with you .
15 It is not considered appropriate that Skelton should expand any further , and therefore it is included within the greenbelt .
16 That It is not considered appropriate that Skelton should expand any further ?
17 Erm i it 's a it 's a very it 's a very vague statement is n't it , It is not considered appropriate Skelton should should expand .
18 If it is not considered appropriate or possible to lodge an early Tender , then once the necessary information or Medical Report is available , the Tender should be lodged as soon as possible thereafter .
19 It is not considered relevant , however important it is in normal human terms , in planning terms it is non-existent .
20 Yet the bulk of activity is never reported in the general literature — chiefly because it is not considered newsworthy or important , either by by the editors or the librarians .
21 However , nowhere in the world ( and Gewürztraminer is widely grown ) does it reach such dizzy heights as in Alsace , where it is generally vinified dry , the rosy-skinned grape producing dark- hued white wines packed with alcohol .
22 Traditionally , there are restrictions on using " I " : some teachers forbid it , as an example of inelegant intrusion by the author ( though nowadays it is generally thought permissible to use " I " occasionally , to emphasise a point which you wish to show is personal rather than general ) .
23 It is generally considered good to manipulate the controls of a machine but bad to manipulate election results .
24 Although it is possible to make connections to iron pipe , it is normally considered advisable to replace it with copper or plastic when a new copper hot water cylinder and plastic water cistern are installed .
25 Therefore it is best labelled democratic feminist socialism .
26 The joint is in this condition when it is finally judged ready for the table .
27 For example , it is n't considered genuine to say ‘ How nice to see you ’ whilst rummaging through the contents of your in-tray .
28 It is also made aware , by this ability to feel at a distance , of the movements of other fish swimming alongside it , an important ability for those species that form shoals .
29 It is also considered indecent for couples to be seen to be intimate in public because sex should be a private affair , only between man and wife .
30 It is also considered unlucky to pay the whole of a doctor 's bill , a superstition which may prove important as the years go by , considering what some people say is happening to the NHS .
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