Example sentences of "it is [adj] to make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , if it is appropriate to make any sort of residence order , under section 11(7) : ‘ A section 8 order [ which includes a residence order ] may — ( a ) contain directions about how it is to be carried into effect ; …
2 It is appropriate to make clear at an early stage in the report the general status of the information which it contains .
3 The Rev. Arnold Thomas of Bristol told Congregationalists that ‘ it is good to make beautiful our buildings and services .
4 In a haulage firm it is prudent to make sure that everyone knows who does in fact have permission to drive ; this avoids the problems which arise if a vehicle driven by someone in the firm without authority is involved in an accident .
5 A clerical error remaining unnoticed and uncorrected can have disastrous consequences , so it is essential to make sure the certificate does properly reflect the insurance required .
6 It is essential to make sure that your version is the same as that of your typesetting bureau and that you are both using the same fonts , ideally from the same vendor .
7 If the agreement allows assignment conditional upon certain matters being complied with , it is essential to make sure that these conditions are met .
8 More importantly , it is essential to make statutory provision for a framework of public audit in this country sufficient to ensure accountability to Parliament for the wider range of public expenditure now and in the future .
9 The former can not be defined by any objective criteria and are largely a matter of personal taste , although if you wish to guarantee a reasonable resale value , it is crucial to make sure that your tastes coincide with more universally held views on aesthetic appeal .
10 Whereas it is right to make sure that the value of the basic state pension is preserved for all income brackets we believe that any extra resources should be directed to the poorer end .
11 To convert national income into real output per capita , it is necessary to make two adjustments : ( i ) national income must be deflated by an appropriate price index to convert it to real terms ; ( ii ) the figure must then be divided by the population to convert it to per capita terms .
12 I appreciate that the number of cases in which the taker and driver away is not the driver who goes on to cause personal injury or damage will be comparatively few , but I ask my right hon. Friend whether it is necessary to make such a draconian change in the traditional principles of British law , or to do it by reversing the normal burden of proof .
13 None the less , it is necessary to make explicit what the state , government and administration are , and what they do .
14 Before embarking on a study of lexical semantics , even one which is avowedly descriptive rather than theoretical in orientation , it is necessary to make explicit certain basic assumptions concerning meaning , and to establish , as far as possible , a consistent method of studying it .
15 The opportunities for successfully re-using a structure to which it is necessary to make major modifications in order to suit it to its new task are small , even with ironwork of exceptionally good quality .
16 painting , he says , is ‘ the only profession in life wherein it is necessary to make this distinction . ’
17 At this stage it is necessary to make three points about the scope of the Act .
18 In testing for Super Class 1 , Class 1 and Class 2 transactions it is necessary to make three comparisons between the listed company and the business it is disposing of or acquiring .
19 To apply the framework of attention focusing to the data from these studies it is necessary to make some assumptions about the information that is central and peripheral in the stimuli .
20 With these apparently vague questions it is necessary to make clear your own interpretation of what " write " means .
21 It is usual to make specific provision for service of such notices , eg at the last known home address of a partner , in a way that will afford evidence that it has been duly given ( eg by registered delivery , entry in the firm 's post book etc ) .
22 If it is practicable to make repeated visits to the same site over a period of months or years a programme of capture/mark/release and recapture will add a further dimension to the whole range of topics available .
23 It would be easy to conclude from this research that fat can actually cause heart disease but with so many other factors to be taken into consideration it is impossible to make such a simple statement .
24 It is impossible to make any such comparison without knowing what the institutional arrangements of the system would be .
25 Despite the extensive sampling during the excavation of the sixth and seventh century settlement at Cowdery 's Down the results prompted the excavator to offer a warning about interpreting the results ; it was concluded that ‘ it is impossible to make any assertions about the economy or waste disposal systems associated with the site ’ ( Green 1983 , p. 261 ) .
26 It is impossible to make any convincing stylistic connection between either of these and the Olympia sculptures .
27 Because of the differences in structure and gradings in the above two assessments , it is impossible to make direct comparisons , but the 1989 review includes within its Category 16 ( Other Physical Sciences ) , such diverse subjects as astronomy , oceanography , and meteorology , some of which have teaching and research connections with the earth sciences .
28 This system can be a manual one but with computerised time-recording packages available at under £500 it is preferable to make some investment in technology .
29 Nevertheless , it is useful to make these analytical distinctions , particularly where the apparent and real empirical contradictions threaten to swamp the theory .
30 It is best to make these shelves as close together as possible — say , around 10″ , and depending on the depth of shelf and what 's stored on it .
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