Example sentences of "it is [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 Although it is unseemly that the law should protect the publication of malicious falsehoods , absolute privilege is justified on the practical ground that without it , persons with a public duty to speak out might be threatened with vexatious actions for slander and libel .
2 But it is paramount that the soloist be so directly acquainted with the score that he or she is able to offer us a personal interpretation of it ; in a sense , a critical commentary on it .
3 This excludes the Gettier cases because in them it is coincidental that the belief is true .
4 It is deplorable that the Americans took a lot of land cheap from Cubans and Spaniards .
5 It is deplorable that the views of consultants and clinicians here have been simply ignored . ’
6 It is deplorable that the old Aldens supermarket site remains underused and the Whitehouse football ground plans stagnate .
7 It is lamentable that the Government have not set up a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs , which could help us to deal with Scottish matters .
8 The aircraft were not insured , so the bill to repair them will be staggering and I 'm sure it is frustrating that the Museum 's project can not take top priority at the moment .
9 He has been European golf 's generalissimo and it is appropriate that the decade opened to the sound of a Ballesteros devastation .
10 So it is appropriate that the first champion to be whelped in this country was Ch.
11 It is appropriate that the image of beauty should not be fixed .
12 It 's a mechanistic philosophy , with the priority on mass human convenience , and it is appropriate that the places where most of our pigs live out their wretched lives are known as factory farms .
13 Hence it is appropriate that the recitals should be used as an aid to interpretation not only by the European Court itself , but by any court dealing with the interpretation of a Community legal text , for example a British court or tribunal of any level .
14 It is appropriate that the worship of the eternal-maternal should be the subject of one of the opening images of the exhibition .
15 It is appropriate that the areas of policy now being pushed forward on an intergovernmental basis should be done in that way because that is how we carry with us consent in our national Parliaments and public opinion .
16 It is appropriate that the first great English opera of modern times should be so deeply English in tone , and should derive from the art which the English have always excelled at — poetry .
17 Nevertheless it does believe it is appropriate that the strategic thrust of the policy should be based on the premise that development proposals likely to be consid considered acceptable in the open countryside will in a sense represent the exception rather than the rule .
18 But the stories have a universal appeal simply as stories , and it is good that the underlying programme seldom obtrudes as badly as in the gift-shop passage above , where the helpful aside about tourism affecting rural culture worldwide strikes a primary-school note .
19 " It is good that the natives should be happy for surely that is ultimately what we , the Company , are in India to procure … "
20 It is good that the demanding job of running hostels for the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped , together with other provision of residential care , should now be recognized as an important aspect of social work , for much needs to be done in this field and many able people need to be recruited for the work .
21 Does he agree that it is good that the British farming community is not as violent as appears to be the case on the continent ?
22 Clearly , it is good that the Israelis and the Palestinians are sitting around a table in Washington , and that each side is advancing ideas for the future of the occupied territories .
23 So that answers all those years that I have been conducting these seminars , it answers my question not in the way I was particularly happy about I have to say , but I mean it did answer my question and then it may be them having you know I mean like sort of things I may not be particularly happy with , but maybe it is good that the papers are reflecting what the community wants .
24 Since the total number of crossings , 5 is odd , unc has the determinant -1 ; accordingly unc unc unc Coincidentally , this example also illustrates he second variant : it is adventitious that the largest element among those available occurs in the first , second , third and fourth column in succession .
25 But whatever purpose your music has been commissioned for , it is typical that the company who commissions the piece obtains the copyright to it as well .
26 It is typical that the tough men at Pontypool should choose the toughest of destinations .
27 It is undeniable that the individualized character of the Reeve is very prominent as a result of his self-reflexions in his prologue , and that the common theme of the scales of justice in Prologue and Tale invites us to make our own assessments of characters and actions there portrayed .
28 It is not clear to what extent the Securitate is now a ‘ state within the state ’ and to what extent it is directly answerable to President Ceausescu , but it is odd that the service 's worst excesses have occurred when the head of state is on an official trip abroad , in this case to Iran .
29 It is odd that the holder of such a view of human beings could have appeared in history as a humanitarian and heroic opponent of cruelty and barbarism ; it seems more appropriate to Hitler than to Beccaria .
30 Polls in medium or small communities were not often violent ; but it is probable that the same tensions were present as in Ajdabiya , and that they were exacerbated by the absence of campaign , by the necessity of choosing among ideologically undifferentiated candidates , and by the prolonged confrontation of voters in a confined space .
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