Example sentences of "it is [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet software house Microsoft recently caused quite a stir in computer circles by announcing that it is using real people , working for real companies , to test its software products .
2 The incidents came at a time when Sellafield was already facing prosecution for allegedly not taking proper safety precautions at its high-level waste processing plant ( see above ) and when it is seeking new authorisations for discharges into the air .
3 Reportedly it is seeking fellow travellers and financing for a Chorus project lilting code named Amadeus , having already used Wolfgang and Mozart to christen other projects .
4 But it is varying cultural transactions of the past which encouraged Shakespeare 's plays to remain in wide circulating which empower Shakespeare 's continued circulation .
5 In the last chapter , I discussed the kinds of things the brain must be doing if it is to generate observed behaviour .
6 Encore says its current plan is to move to the next-generation 88110 RISC over time , but claims its architecture is CPU-independent and that it is evaluating other architectures .
7 It is exploring new approaches to education which emphasise the needs of the community and the relations between the school and the community , and includes a family education project and training sessions in such practical subjects as horticulture .
8 In collection building , it is working carefully with publishers to secure the deposit of electronic materials ; and it is exploring possible revisions to the law of ‘ copyright ’ deposit .
9 ‘ The need for proof is essential because many organisations fail to recognise bullying , even when it is causing serious disruption within their workforce .
10 Does he agree that steps must be taken to persuade the Turkish authorities to give such compensation , because it is causing great hardship ?
11 The Bulgarian government has decided to suspend production at the country 's biggest lead plant for several months because it is causing severe pollution to nearby agricultural land .
12 Even the Nato arms controllers meeting in Vienna , whose job it is to negotiate East-West reductions in conventional armed forces , can only pursue their objectives on the basis of confrontation between their alliance and the Warsaw Pact .
13 It is called deoxyribonucleic acid , or DNA for short .
14 It is called Long Life .
15 When it is electro-plated with silver it is called electro-plated nickel silver ( EPNS ) .
16 Whilst TechDoc is certainly one of the older and more established of these compartments it is undergoing rapid change as the vendors break away from the dedicated hardware platforms of their recent past .
17 In addition , wood will deteriorate and eventually rot unless it is given regular maintenance .
18 It is as well to appreciate that a body in free fall from a fixed starting event will follow different geodesics if it is given different starting velocities .
19 It is given statutory recognition in the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 , section 171 of which states : nothing in this Part [ the part dealing with copyright ] affects … the operation of any rule of equity relating to breaches of trust or confidence
20 It is hoped other refurbishment work will follow .
21 This is a new project and it is hoped new ideas may emerge to heighten road safety awareness .
22 It is hoped public consultation on the new merger plans will begin this summer .
23 The aim throughout the year will be to cover all aspects of accompaniment ; Piano in October , Percussion in January , Taped Music in March and , finally in June a Music Workshop where it is hoped qualified teachers will bring along tapes and records that they have used in their classes and which might be helpful to other teachers .
24 However , sponsorship is being sought for the next term and it is hoped sufficient funding will be secured to avoid a repeat fee .
25 It is hoped brown trout will be restored to the Darenth before 2000 .
26 FOOD giants Sainsbury 's says it is getting widespread support for its plans to build their first store in Gwynedd .
27 Mountain View , California-based portable communications devices developer Eo Inc duly announced its partnership with AT&T Co , Matsushita Electric Industrial Co and Marubeni Corp to design , build and market the first generation of what it is calling personal communicators .
28 There clubs closed at 1am and it is understood local police liaised with managers before Saturday .
29 It is understood Tory Councillor Bill Woodhead will step down as the borough 's top civic dignitary after being charged with hitting his wife just hours after being elected .
30 It is understood Special Branch detectives have been charting planned attacks on unionists and advising the politicians on measures to protect their lives and members of their families .
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