Example sentences of "it and [vb past] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The post office was owned by two white-haired sisters , Annie and Lizzie , far out cousins of her own , and Annie stamped the envelope for her , postmarked it and dropped it in the calico bag on the counter .
2 And Hilderbridge lay in the sunshine , its slate roofs all turned to planes of silver , its spires sharp needles , as if a silversmith had made it and dropped it in the valley between the meadows and the moor .
3 It happens that what we 've done is we 've taken it and hung it on the starlight , the magic of starlight — how wonderful it is , how much you can tell from just looking at a star through a telescope and measuring the light that comes out of it , and this takes us into realms of why a star shines ; what do you mean by time when you go back millions of years into the universe lifetime ; what do you mean , why do stars shine with different colours .
4 tortoise thing with a lid on then he opened it and filled it with
5 Finally , she snatched up the envelope from the table where she 'd left it and carried it to the one window that might , if she were lucky , catch a vagrant breeze from the river a block away .
6 The philosophy of LMS was rehearsed in the Coopers & Lybrand Report ( 1988 ) and the government has now adopted it and enshrined it in legislation .
7 He fumbled and brought out his wallet from an inner pocket , opened It and passed it to her .
8 Harper spend f226 on repairing it and sold it to a finance company .
9 There was a Django Reinhardt tape playing , I know because I recorded it and sold it to Stubbly , and Ken the barman was sitting on a bar stool reading the News of the World .
10 After its discovery in 1873 , the Tongue had found its way into the hands of a treasure-hunter , who had kept quiet about it and sold it to a London dealer , who in turn had sold it to an American collector , who had lent it to an exhibition in Philadelphia in 1922 — which latter appearance had provided the clues , sixty-five years later , for a detective-story-like investigation on the part of Theodore Kemp of the Ashmolean Museum — a man who now lay dead in the mortuary at the Radcliffe Infirmary .
11 De Valois saw it and accepted it for the repertory .
12 Carolyn had had a couple of goes at it and made it into — well , more of a privet dodo than a hen .
13 With care he lifted it and took it to the mouth of the chamber .
14 He looked round for the phone , found it and took it to the woman , laying it in her lap .
15 There 's supposed to be a back fire-escape , but years ago , before I came here , someone unhooked it and took it for scrap .
16 She picked up the box with the frog-magician in it and wedged it into her cape pocket .
17 If we examine their structure , we shall perceive the way in which the wishful purpose that is at work has mixed up the material of which they are built , has rearranged it and formed it into a new whole .
18 I remember I bought about 100 copies of it and sent it to various agents , bookers , and media .
19 He snatched it from my hand , read it and returned it without looking at me .
20 Pointing out the value of hat pins , Oliver fielded it and returned it to her with a bow .
21 However , when I stripped the pump off the block , cleaned it and left it on the workbench , I noticed it had leaked a small amount of oil from a 1.5mm hole located near the back underside of the pump .
22 Which brought her back to the sack and to the Friar who had carried it and left it in their care .
23 The pike rushed at it , bit it and left it in disgust .
24 His agent , Peter Müller , had prepared it and left it in one of the embassy ‘ letter boxes ’ for collection .
25 The dealer subsequently repaired it and advertised it for sale at £136 .
26 No 4 pilot of Jigger Green flight saw an aircraft attacking from the rear and broke into it and engaged it in combat , but as Jigger Green 4 turned to rejoin his flight he saw an aircraft tumbling at about 8,000ft .
27 Barbie said she 'd rather have a cigarette anyway and gave them back to us , but we could n't break any of them off , so we kept passing this lump backwards and forwards , sucking it and grinding little chunks off it , till we got fed up with it and chucked it on the floor .
28 He believed that his body was a good guide to his character and he punished it and indulged it by turns .
29 I turned it and played it to the net , though it did n't come in easily .
30 She dived for it and levelled it at him .
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