Example sentences of "it bring [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It brought home the family 's humiliation and anguish after being forced to move out .
2 And it brought back the memories of bouquets and the first Miss World competition she won way back in 1911 .
3 Then , when I was grown up I saw the film The Sinking of the Titanic and it brought back the terror .
4 Ernesto Cardenal , the Nicaraguan minister of culture , also made political use of birdsong and jungle in his poems ; it brought out the symbiosis between the land and the cause .
5 Certainly , it brought about the beginnings of an emotional freedom I had not known , and a deeper commitment to radical politics .
6 And it brought about the bridge , Michael .
7 The poison was not given to the Indians in massive doses that would have provoked a reaction , but was administered drop by drop , until it brought about the loss of personality .
8 It brought about the demise of the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs.
9 While new organizations may possess a strong commitment to a new policy , and may have powers that enable it to bring together the resources for its implementation that were not possessed by any single previous organization , it still has to relate to a world in which other agencies have a great deal of power to influence its success .
10 Or is it to bring down the usurper himself ?
11 That 's what it says , it brings up the mud and the refuse .
12 In fact , it brings down the curtain not only on his role but on ITV 's epic struggle to match BBC in the sporting field .
13 The closing of a station intangibly but significantly diminishes the spiritual life of a country and its people , for it brings down the curtain with devastating finality on a stage which has seen a thousand dramas , comic and tragic , played out and has mirrored the changing moods of the nation , has etched itself into the working lives of some , the emotional lives of others .
14 This is a very handy aspect of the program , since it brings in the prospect of it being used for other purposes .
15 ( To ROS and GUIL ) They 're a bit out of practice , but they always pick up wonderfully for the deaths — it brings out the poetry in them .
16 Lean , versatile British lamb is so easy to use it brings out the cook in all of us .
17 Although this is by any standards a grotesquely over-simplified account of hundreds of pages , it brings out the attitude which Althusser contests — the idea that Marx 's theory of political economy is just an alternative to the classical one , in that crucial experiments can be devised to adjudicate between them .
18 It brings out the Italian in you .
19 First of all it brings out the functionalist point that the different " aspects " of social relationship , in the fields of kinship , economy , politics , law , religion etc. , are all versions of the same thing .
20 It brings out the colour of your eyes . ’
21 If one takes this as a statement obliquely concerning the Marxist political project , it has a certain validity , in that it brings out the difference between Marxism and ‘ meritocratic ’ , or social-democratic notions of ‘ equality of opportunity ’ : the Marxist project is not merely to allow access to the privileged classes for the most ‘ able ’ individuals from all sections of society , but to transform the class structure ( to eliminate private possession of the major means of production and hierarchical management , and to institute a democratically socialised appropriation ) .
22 And the birth control pill is an interesting example because it brings out the controversy and misunderstanding which there can be , because for many many years there was a great deal of talk about the risks from the birth control pill .
23 It brings home the manifold and almost surreptitious ways in which the internal life of academic institutions serves to sustain , reinforce and reward class-related forms of style , language and behaviour .
24 It brings home the fact that there 's no life to be found here ; there 's no Bob Marley anymore .
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