Example sentences of "it show the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The sequence has been simplified for convenience , but it shows the essential stages in sequential retrieval .
2 It shows the low value placed on women 's lives .
3 The Outer Hebrides is no exception and Figure 6 is a compilation from the 1981 census data , and it shows the low population density and the extent of areas that are effectively uninhabited , in response to overwhelming environmental and topographical difficulties .
4 Showing the history of the USAAF/USAF from 1931 to 1953 it shows the early development with B-10 bombers helping out during the flooding of 1935 , film is included of the first B-17s , a type that was delivered in 1937 , the expansion programmes of the late 1930s show the tremendous build up of men and machines .
5 erm This is quite an interesting cartoon , and really has no connection with either St Aldate 's or Oxford , erm but it was actually published in 1642 , and it shows the two sides , the Roundheads and the Cavaliers , and what I think is interesting about it is that it does seem to be quite objective , it does n't seem to be particularly getting at one side or the other , which is very rare for the kind of erm cartoons that were later issued during the war .
6 It shows the great champion in the throes of the toughest bout of his life , depicting his struggle with grace and poignance .
7 It shows the appalling deprivation and human loss that Russians suffered during the Second World War and the difficulty that children of the thirties had in adjusting to life in post-war Russia .
8 However , keep , paint , leave , produce , drink do not support subordinate clauses ; and , while they can be followed by the same sequence of noun phrase + adjective , the adjective is not clausal in their case but a predicate qualifier , and it shows the other characteristics to be expected of a predicate qualifier .
9 American and Australian warships joined with British forces in a combined operation to intercept the Iraqis , and Defence Secretary , Tom King says it shows the multi-national force is working well as a unit .
10 It shows the close association that can exist between organic chemical synthesis and clay surfaces .
11 It shows the net cash position clearly .
12 Labov 's interpretation of this irregularity is that it shows the Lower-middle class to be instrumental in diffusing a change throughout the speech community by adopting and emulating what is in fact an innovatory pattern introduced by a higher-status group ( Labov 1972a : 122 ) .
13 As the book develops , it shows the progressive purification and freeing of Montag 's mind .
14 It shows the marginal benefit to the individual .
15 It shows the remarkable rise in total issues over the period in question and also shows the rising share of eurosterling issues in total issues .
16 It shows the steady increase in both sectors and modes of study over that period , to the current total of about one million .
17 I 'll always keep it because it shows the original sort of colours that Fair Isles were made in .
18 Under the same management as the Villa San Paolo down the road , it shows the same ability albeit in a different category , to combine taste and comfort in providing hospitality .
19 It shows the athletic aspect of competitive dancing .
20 However , the basis for drawing the graph depends on many uncertainties and is very fragile , and while it shows the potential contribution of die studies and studies of output to our understanding of ancient economies , it is far from certain that it is historically accurate .
21 Figure 5.10 is an extraction from Richmond CAB 's computerised enquiry system and it shows the potential power of such a client profile software package .
22 This would have led to science becoming a babel ; but it shows the widespread fear among chemists that their science would be ‘ reduced ’ to something else by armchair theorists who did not know how to hold test-tubes or blow glass T-pieces .
23 It shows the huge investment currently being made in the national health service and the excellent way in which many trusts are using the resources available to them .
24 Set in a WWI officer 's prisoner of war camp it shows the last veneers of a chivalrous , civilised Europe being ripped away by the black talons of mechanised war .
25 So it might be assumed that Scott 's design was placed higher than the other Gothic entries because it showed the two offices as separate structures , rather than one .
26 It showed the young Aberdeen footballer , Eoin Jess , being attended to , presumably by a qualified member of the club 's medical team , and being ‘ helped to his feet ’ as your caption noted , despite having a broken ankle .
27 In 1980 it showed the greatest tendency to revitalise and performed averagely on a decline in deprivation index .
28 That is , it showed the classic behaviour of a genuine ‘ opioid ’ .
29 The headline , in very large letters indeed , read ‘ FIRST KILL ! ’ and it showed the golden eagle taking a duck on the lake in Regent 's Park .
30 It showed the other Rex , who was standing on the plaza before the building waving his arms about .
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