Example sentences of "it become [adj] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well , if you are typical of your birth sign , you will have already made up your mind and taken your leave around August 6th , when it became apparent that certain associates had sided against you or even gone so far as to hatch some kind of plot .
2 As it became apparent that considerable variations in training were to be found , the ( now ) British Library Research and Development Group for Research into Public Libraries felt that more information was needed about current practice , and in September 1982 , British Library Research and Development and The Library Association agreed to liaise on the development of an exploratory survey .
3 In the early 1960s it became clear that compulsory continuing education was actually becoming a hindrance to recruitment .
4 A national " mass of reconciliation " was proposed for Aug. 15 by the " revolutionary Peronism " faction of the ruling Justicialist Party , including the remnants of the Montoneros , who called for reconciliation with the armed forces and an amnesty for their imprisoned leader Mario Firmenich [ see p. 35561 ] ; this mass was to have been attended both by former Montonero guerrillas and by military officers from the dirty war , but was cancelled by the Church when it became clear that certain officers were using it to support their demand for an amnesty .
5 The " conference of national reconciliation " , initially scheduled by the USC for Feb. 28 , was postponed , first until March 14 and then indefinitely , when it became clear that other groups involved in the overthrow of former President Siyad Barre would not participate .
6 Analysts were increasingly optimistic about the prospect of share price premiums in early trading as it became clear that professional buyers will be starved of stock .
7 Analysts were increasingly optimistic about the prospect of share price premiums in early trading as it became clear that professional buyers will be starved of stock .
8 Before the war public appeals had raised sufficient money to keep Youth Allyah afloat , but , when it became clear that large numbers of children would not soon be leaving for Palestine , the question arose as to who would care for them during their prolonged stay in Britain .
9 But after a frantic day of arm-twisting by Government whips , it became clear that potential rebels were shying away from voting the whole Budget down .
10 After a frantic day of arm twisting by Government whips it became clear that potential rebels were prepared to back away from a rebellion in the hope of wringing more concessions from the Government before the Finance Bill , which gives legislative authority to the Budget , comes back to the Commons toward the end of next month .
11 Yeah , this , this is interesting , it gets confusing perhaps because erm , I rang British Section , British Section today erm , enquiring about er , ah , there it is , were , were are we , erm enquiring about er groups having two prisoners you brought this up last time and as the result of me talking to somebody there erm , it became clear that British Section still showed us as having Sabri Lushe as a prisoner , erm and they were n't aware that we were no longer dealing with him , he 'd been released , and what they say is they usually get conformation from International Secretarium
12 In the discussion that followed it became clear that graduated PAF would not be popular .
13 It became evident that young people were a particularly vulnerable group and that in times of economic hardship , firms cut back on training places .
14 As the 1960s progressed , however , it became evident that certain strains were developing in the Bretton Woods arrangements .
15 For example , last year it became evident that terminal responses at peak times were becoming much slower .
16 Before long what has been described aptly by one penologist as a malfunction began to appear as it became evident that suspended sentences of imprisonment were being used in place of non-custodial penalties , especially probation orders and fines .
17 Within months it became obvious that increased demand on the Midland electrified lines ( at last free from industrial problems and stock defects ) would make additional units necessary .
18 Since the Education Act 1980 began the emphasis on parental choice of schools , it became obvious that comparable information must be available about the various schools .
19 But although ‘ In Place of Strife ’ was in accord with majority public opinion , it was certainly not in accord with Labour Party and union opinion , and although that in itself has not always blocked the parliamentary leadership , this time it became obvious that sufficient Labour MPs would reject the proposals to make it impossible to establish them as law .
20 Wickham had let it become obvious that important parts of his story did not coincide with the version supplied by the only other person on the spot but Tavett maintained that what he said was correct .
21 In the first place , by juxtaposing novelists with social commentators , it becomes evident that fictional accounts are not exaggerated , but often the reverse .
22 As noted earlier in this chapter , and by many authors , including Kanter ( 1983 ) , an attempt to change basic ideologies/schemas of multiple parties is more likely to be successful in times of crisis when it becomes obvious that traditional modes of operation are no longer achieving success .
23 Press harder and it becomes obvious that front-end bite and turn-in are actually very good .
24 Britain has apparently undertaken to review its own aid to Vietnam once it becomes clear that forced repatriation is working smoothly , and that Hanoi keeps to its side of the bargain , not to punish boat people who are deported from Hong Kong .
25 So at the point where it becomes clear that absolute egalitarianism is going to encroach on the interests of the middle peasants , you need to stop it ?
26 But when the cross-section is viewed at high magnification , it becomes clear that different plating methods have been used .
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