Example sentences of "it seem to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rereading one before he put it in the envelope , it seemed to him to be ill-organized , to have no coherent theme .
2 He was also working for the British Council , writing for foreign magazines and attending functions organized by the Anglo-Swedish Society or the Norwegian Institute , as well as seeing American G.I.s stationed in London — it seemed to him on occasions that every American sergeant wrote verse .
3 Ludens had , as it seemed to him with helpless fascination , seen , in the last days , perhaps more obscurely weeks , his feelings about Irina undergo a transformation .
4 Every time he heard the sacred name pronounced by this strange voice , Henri thrilled with joy ; it seemed to him like a voice from beyond the grave , something mysterious and superhuman .
5 It seemed to me at the time that this fact did not square with claims that the Bible was inerrant .
6 It seemed to me at the time that the teachers of science at school , who had certainly shown themselves to be opposed to me were , if not actually off their trolleys , a trifle on the demented side and undoubtedly strangers to coolness .
7 Thus death has been ever close to me — so close that it seemed to me at times that I could reach out and touch it .
8 It seemed to me at the time that the Tanzanian Government feared that papers could be used as mouthpieces for dissident political groups anxious to advance their own positions .
9 It seemed to me at the time that I was doing something other than trying to keep myself warm .
10 The park had a few fairly large hills ( or so it seemed to me at the time ) topped by a castle , a lake with a river running through it and quite a few trees scattered here and there .
11 ‘ I can see how you might think it was insincere , but that was n't how it seemed to me at the time .
12 Erm Mr referred to er put great store it seemed to me on the long term effectiveness of of of reducing er building .
13 It seemed to me to be a crazy world .
14 Making a slow pass behind the surf line to try to gauge the size of the breakers , it seemed to me to be rather dangerous .
15 After considering the nature of the exercise and the people involved , I decided against asking to use a tape-recorder and instead noted the events in longhand as they occurred and , where it seemed to me to be significant , noted what was said , verbatim .
16 It was not just that he had gone off with someone else but he had actually gone off with a woman and it seemed to me like a betrayal of my identity .
17 It seemed to her to be the nearest thing to rough justice that would ever present itself .
18 It seemed to her as if every hair on her body , every roughness of skin , unevenness of toenail , snagged on the sticky , shiny fibres .
19 When she saw Andrew it seemed to her as if her heart had stopped beating .
20 Suddenly it seemed to her as if the whole world wanted to know about every detail of her life .
21 It seemed to her like the anus of the entire factory : a black tunnel that extruded the castings , still encased in black sand , like hot , reeking , iron turds , on to a metal grid that vibrated violently and continuously to shake off the sand .
22 When Patsy had walked up the short avenue and looked at the square house with its creeper and its shabby garden it seemed to her like a house on the front of a calendar .
23 It seemed to her like an assertion of closeness to the dead Walter that she could not match .
24 As the intervention system remains entirely in place , and as the Community has not decided to try to make savings by reforming the system to make it less attractive , it seemed to us to be the wrong way to tackle the problem .
25 It seems or it seemed to us till lately — a natural thing that love ( under certain conditions ) should be regarded as a noble and ennobling passion : it is only if we imagine ourselves trying to explain this doctrine to Aristotle , Virgil , St Paul , or the author of Beomuy , that we become aware how far from natural it is .
26 One such difference is largely a matter of emphasis but it seems to me of significance .
27 It seems to me of first importance to confront this kind of question realistically and not to discredit one 's cause by refusing to admit that the clash exists .
28 Erm we have er increasing pressures it seems to me for er a lot of er non-agricultural developments in in the countryside .
29 It seems to me to be perverse in the extreme to attempt to resist the claim that the brain is literally carrying out these functions .
30 It seems to me to be inconsistent with the spirit of liberalisation to have a mandatory code that necessitates a cumbersome and bureaucratic certification process . ’
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