Example sentences of "it seem [adj] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed inconceivable that any would be lost for ever .
2 Once they were revealed , it seemed extraordinary that either operation should have borne the stamp of the American government ; they seemed to be bad dreams .
3 As I thought about it it seemed extraordinary that any man should endure such behaviour and still wish to marry the object of his desire .
4 Nevertheless , it seemed reasonable that chemotherapeutic agents known to block the proliferation of cells might also be immunosuppressive .
5 On 31 August 1948 it seemed certain that another glorious Hollywood career was about to be poured down the drain when Robert Mitchum was arrested for smoking marijuana .
6 She ignored the flickering screen , and let her thoughts drift on , because it was one of those rare times when she was thinking well , when striking and truthful ideas seemed to occur to her effortlessly , rising fully articulated into the mind , when it seemed possible that one day she might write poetry .
7 Since only a limited number of booklets had been issued to each school , it seemed possible that many teachers might well have seen and used it , a section at a time , in the form of photocopied sheets .
8 In the summer and autumn of 1989 it seemed possible that this might no longer be true .
9 As bile salts release PYY and PYY has been reported to slow intestinal transit time , it seemed possible that this peptide plays a role in the regulation of ileal motility .
10 It seemed possible that American impulsiveness or ambition might ignite a powder train from the Far East to Europe and accidentally precipitate the Third World War .
11 Because of the rigorous nature of fasting and bowel preparations before surgical resection of tumours , it seemed possible that these procedures could contribute to the hypocholesterolaemiac state .
12 This moderate system of government was frequently adopted by Charles , who early on in his reign had recognised the wisdom of leaving local leaders in place wherever it seemed possible and beneficial to his own aims .
13 Dr Greene came with increasing frequency to the house to examine his patient , and although the baby was large for its gestational age it seemed healthy and active , with a strong , regular heartbeat .
14 It sighed and groaned and creaked so that sometimes it was easy to believe ghostly footsteps were padding about ; but this noise was something different from the usual spasmodic little creaks — it seemed regular and deliberate .
15 To the LDDC it seemed apparent that any effective programme for Docklands would need to concentrate on a number of key objectives .
16 The suggestion of fatherly closeness was essential , even if it seemed awkward and difficult to illustrate .
17 It seemed cosy and welcoming , though suddenly red gingham — the same pattern as those tablecloths that had become beds and togas — did funny things in the region of her heart .
18 It seemed to Maggie that the whole place was almost hanging in the air because it seemed impossible that such slender columns could hold such intricate , lacy arches and ornate ceilings .
19 There was so much snow that it seemed impossible that this was not the natural surface of the earth .
20 It seemed impossible that this might become a battlefield , and perhaps it would not , for Sharpe was already beginning to doubt what he had seen that same morning .
21 Indeed , while some laptop devices had emerged such as the Cornucopia and the Dynabook , it seemed unlikely that handheld CD-ROM technology of any kind would make much impact in world markets for some years .
22 In 1985 , BR announced that it was withdrawing from existing agreements with the unions , although it seemed unlikely that this would seriously reduce the level of unionization .
23 Even as recently as early 1990 , it seemed unlikely that optical disc-based handhelds would have significant impact in the immediate future .
24 I knew very little about boats , and had hated what little experience of sailing I had had , but it seemed unlikely that any boat would shut down its engine until it was safely round into the bay , or even then .
25 When this network of catastrophic thoughts and fantasies was exposed , it seemed bizarre and ridiculous .
26 Since methylation of Dcm seems to proceed through binding of SAM to the active site ( see above ) it seemed plausible that this reaction may be stimulated by the presence of DNA .
27 So it seemed plausible that these elliptical fields are stimulated best by bars orientated parallel to their long axis , and that the lack of obliquely oriented cells explained the difficulty the octopus has in distinguishing between the two diagonals .
28 It seemed likely that many isolated sections of the League of Youth would merge into the Young Communist League if the national organization were not restored .
29 When , for example , I discovered that 90 per cent of those attending a workshop did not become Moonies , it seemed clear that any brainwashing techniques that the movement was employing were , to say the least , not very efficient .
30 In each case it seemed clear that local adaptation was taking place , showing — as far as Pearson and Weldon were concerned — that natural selection was an effective evolutionary mechanism .
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