Example sentences of "it seem [adj] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Bishop told clergy late last month and before Tony 's death , that it seemed likely that permission given by the Law Lords to stop feeding Tony would soon be acted upon :
2 But they were withdrawn immediately after the election , when it seemed likely that interest rates would fall , and succeeded by bonds offering a lower return .
3 Hence , it seemed likely that information on similarities and differences between the five Belfast communities on the one hand and Lurgan on the other could be used for a variety of theoretical purposes .
4 It was then that the Italian people began to understand what his intentions were ; and when he later referred to the need for the colonies to be protected from aggression , it seemed clear that war in Africa could not be avoided .
5 It seemed just another episode in the long war of the books between metropolitan , and in this last case global , sophistication and a rooted academic , even provincial , culture .
6 While the selectors have made just one change this time , it seems certain several heads will roll if Australia go two up at Lord 's .
7 It seems probable that Kent imported material directly from the Frankish world ; Scandinavian imports to Kent may have come directly or were also channelled through Francia .
8 IT SEEMS normal these days to print any story with a connection to the Royal Family .
9 Well it seems easier that way when you think about it dun n it ?
10 This final scene of the novel leaves the reader free to believe , if he so wishes , that Pip and Estella will eventually marry , but it seems clear that CD 's intention was that we should understand that Pip 's renewed hopes were not to be fulfilled .
11 It seems clear that Case III is inappropriate if Cases IV or V are also applicable .
12 As far as acquisition of language is concerned , it seems clear that reinforcement , casual observation , and natural inquisitiveness ( coupled with a strong tendency to imitate ) are important factors , as is the remarkable capacity of the child to generalise , hypothesise and ‘ process information ’ in a variety of very special and apparently highly complex ways which we can not yet describe or begin to understand , and which may be largely innate , or may develop through some sort of learning or through maturation of the nervous system .
13 Thus it seems clear that arctica is the most numerous species on spring passage .
14 In view of this , it seems clear that pre-service or initial preparation needs to pay particular attention to training .
15 It seems likely another match will be ordered because a precedent has been set .
16 It seems different this time , they 're very positive . ’
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