Example sentences of "it take a [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It takes a little time to sec that you 're not moving forward any more , either because you do n't know how or because there is n't anywhere to move forward to .
2 Once a nectary has been drained , it takes a little time to refill .
3 I imagine they walked in silence for some way after that ; putting a new idea into someone 's imagination , even if that imagination belongs to the cleverest young Fellow of the very grandest college , is like turning on the television — it takes a little time for the set to warm up .
4 It takes a few moments to adjust — one moment one is dry , wearing dry swimming trunks and walking about , and the next one is progressively getting wetter ( including the swimming trunks , which somehow seems particularly inappropriate ) — and it 's only when half a length or so has been swum that the whole thing seems ordinary again .
5 However , not only is the wind downwind of a sail affected but also that behind the board , since the sail curves the wind and it takes a few board lengths for it to revert to its normal direction .
6 After food is put into the mouth it takes a few minutes ( usually around five ) even to start having any physical effect in satisfying the hungry body .
7 Although it takes a few minutes for the body to send out any strong signals of satiety it is probable that chewing and swallowing movements do begin to send messages to the brain .
8 In theory , it takes a few seconds for the machine to recognize a new card , but in practice it worked so fast that when I inserted the Flash RAM card and typed ‘ dir A ’ , the machine responded instantly with a list of the card 's contents .
9 Chloe explains it takes a few days to learn how to breastfeed .
10 cos it was all fresh cos he was gon na get meat tomorrow and the following day , so I says to him I says well why did n't you use your cheque book ? , he says oh I never thought of that he says , cos it takes a few days to get it , he do n't know with a cheque book
11 It takes a few weeks to establish in the tank before it begins to grow .
12 Come back in a fortnight and we 'll check its progress , but you 'll find it takes a few weeks to really heal properly because we use that toe a great deal for balance . ’
13 Be warned : time is a great leveller and it takes a few seasons in the hard world outside the show marquee for a new rose to find its true level .
14 WHY , in the age of the microchip , does it take a few seconds to phone Australia but four full working days for a cheque to clear ?
15 It took a little time for him to realise that ‘ Bovril ’ was not a local retailer .
16 In the provinces it took a little time before London fashions were adopted .
17 It took a little time to find the girl who had been moved and was not in the room that the Sub-lieutenant had told him how to find .
18 It took a little time , but he drank the lot and went back to sleep .
19 It took a little time for employers to depersonalize personal computers .
20 Since he was n't sure of the date , it took a little time , but there was no missing it when he found the right volume .
21 It took a little time , and without the guidance she would never have found it in a million years .
22 After leaving the Navy , it took a little time to become used to a normal bed again , as the hammock had proved to be such an ideal sleeping arrangement .
23 It took a little time , but er , eventually he got it , and now I 'm delighted to say he 's one of the most organised managers on earth .
24 It took a few minutes for me to balance the load .
25 It took a few minutes before his eyes had adjusted to semi-darkness and the great sweep of the headland became visible , its shapes and forms mysteriously altered under the high stars .
26 It took a few minutes in the kitchen to make the mug of strong chicory coffee to which he added a liberal lacing of brandy .
27 It took a few minutes for Curtis and Adrian to realise their baby had disappeared .
28 It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dimness , and he remained still , blinking hard , making out the man standing directly in front of him holding the shotgun , while on the stairs to his left another person — a woman ? — was also holding what looked like a small pistol on him .
29 Everything looked so propitious it took a few minutes nibbling to realise that the lamb had been cooked to the point of anonymity and the prawns , although big and fat , were so bland they tasted more like good bread rolls than fish .
30 She only took her sunglasses off when she was inside the dark little shop but even then it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust .
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