Example sentences of "it take the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More often it takes the plural form , indicating partition of the property between co-heiresses , like Agnes Chaplayne and Beatrix Salesbury at Gayhurst , Bucks .
2 It takes the total cost of the package for Britain to at least £1.3bn .
3 However , the best reason for making a will is that it takes the practical burden from the shoulders of those you leave behind .
4 This is called benevolence , more especially so when it takes the broad form of a wish for the happiness of others in general .
5 Ian can blast this cruise missile on wheels to 100mph in less time than it takes the average family car to reach 30mph .
6 There 's no money in them and it takes the right machinery to cut them up .
7 The largest questions the members of a management partnership must answer are whether sharing is practicable , whether its members believe in it and how long — if it is a reality — it takes the outside world to believe that it can provide the promised level of quality .
8 If there is a single function relating arousal and memory it seems likely that it takes the inverted-U shape which is often suggested to describe the relationship between task performance and memory , with memory impairments occurring at very low or very high levels of arousal .
9 No apparently it takes the whole top of it
10 The advantage of the notional syllabus is that it takes the communicative facts of language into account from the beginning without losing sight of grammatical and situational factors .
11 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
12 Where plot might be jettisoned , story is retained as a principle of connection : ‘ Once the story is launched it must go on it must follow its course however crooked it may be even if it takes the wrong direction ’ ( 1976b ) .
13 Before doing that , it takes the old sample and writes it to DAC1 , so that the array behaves as a 64-character circular buffer which merely delays the samples .
14 But this does not mean that it takes the conservative stance of necessarily accepting existing definitions of crime .
15 Inflation is one of th , or yeah , not inflation itself , but the premium will go up by A , the new cost of the benefit what else would it take the new premium rate
16 This was critical , since it took the new tax from being a hybrid to being a loosely-disguised property tax .
17 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
18 In the split second it took the cursing Jube to work the action and fire , his target was no longer there .
19 The Shorthorn/Highland first cross has always been popular but it took the concerted efforts of the three Cadzow brothers on an island off the west coast of Scotland to consolidate the virtues of the cross and turn it into a genuine breed , the Luing , named after the island of its origin .
20 It took the sad pair a long time to burn — I once read that the bill for the execution , including stake , chains and timber , came to about £3.7shillings ; .
21 Modern scientists tell us that Bartley could not have survived more than a few minutes in the whale 's belly , let alone the half-day or more it took the unwitting sailors on the mother ship to release this modern Jonah .
22 It took the industrious Lowndes nearly a hundred lines to explain it all .
23 First in the world to deploy an ICBM , it took the Soviet Union ten years longer than the United States to develop a reliable guidance system ; it has also taken 25 years to develop a quiet nuclear submarine , and having set the pace with anti-satellite weapons , the USSR may already have fallen behind the United States in this field .
24 It took the Croatian archaeologists almost a year to obtain permission to get into the Barbariga military base .
25 It took the combined brain power of the teachers quite a few weeks to arrive at this simple routine for getting into Friday assembly .
26 It took the combined efforts of the Bank of England intervening to buy unwanted sterling , the lowest inflation rate since 1967 ( and the lowest underlying rate since July 1958 ) , and a firm promise by the Chancellor not to play fast and loose with interest rates to reassure the markets .
27 By the third decade of that century , the idea of a prime minister had emerged and in its first physical manifestation it took the imposing form of Sir Robert Walpole .
28 There can be no sense in the DTI 's refusal to publish the House of Fraser report on the grounds that it might prejudice a Serious Fraud Office inquiry when it took the opposite course over Blue Arrow .
29 It took the formidable Madrid neuroanatomist Santiago Ramon y Cajal to see the significance of Golgi 's achievement ( he too got a Nobel Prize , though Golgi apparently refused to accept Cajal 's interpretation — or even to speak to him ) .
30 How long it took the different ancestors of these very different animals to evolve such tongues we do not know for there is no fossil evidence of any antiquity to tell us , but it must have been several million years .
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