Example sentences of "it do not seem [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It did not seem as if there were bones broken , despite the height of the fall .
2 To begin with , it did not seem as if anything was going to happen .
3 So that when John suggested they should spend Sunday ‘ watching the fun ’ down at the Railway Office , it did not seem at all out of key .
4 I hardly knew how I was able to face it , either then or at any other time of my life in this mocking world , but I did , though it did not seem to me that I was in any way heroic — just the opposite , in fact .
5 It did not seem to be of any consequence , for it made no immediate difference .
6 For all that , it did not seem to Karelius that things had gone too badly .
7 Furthermore , it did not seem to him right that a specifically Indian movement should be known by an English name .
8 De Benedetti explained his prevarication yesterday , saying : ‘ It did not seem to be the appropriate moment to clarify the position of the company on arguments that must first , by their nature , be illuminated and discussed in front of judicial authorities . ’
9 Without taking those concerns seriously — and it did not seem to — the West stood little chance of persuading ( or even bullying ) them rapidly to give their nuclear weapons up .
10 It did not seem to be the man or his capacities that changed in these cases , so much as the needs and expectations of his followers , organizations , and markets .
11 It did not seem to her always so light-hearted .
12 It was in fact the first time she had thought of such a thing , and it did not seem to be a very good idea , but nothing irritated her more than being addressed in that Listen With Mother voice ( particularly as her daughter-in-law spoke to her children quite normally ) and it goaded her to contrariness .
13 It did not seem to me , in that incomplete version , quite to come off , and I still do not regard it among the successful poems .
14 It did not seem to people that , to use de Gaulle 's expression , " the train was back on the tracks " .
15 Sitting up , knees hunched against her breasts , it does not seem worth dressing now .
16 While later law , for example , once familiar with trusts may have practised great toleration , if we look back to the origins of Roman trusts and their tentative beginnings with the rise of a consular jurisdiction , it does not seem at all plausible that absolutely any expression or gesture would immediately have been accepted .
17 It does not seem to me that a reader principally interested in capitalism , or imperialism , or the theories of such Marxist writers as Althusser or Gramsci would turn to a book such as this , and so I have kept discussion of these topics to a minimum .
18 It does not seem to be a hive of industry , ’ Morton said .
19 What it does not seem to me to offer , and what seems crucial for the intensely generic regime which television operates , is the beginning of a theory of genre specific to television which addresses not only the systems , but the forms of subjectivity which these systems imply .
20 It does not seem to me to address the problem to say that if the producers produce the programmes the audience will supply the criticism .
21 If substantial structural change is taking place , then , it does not seem to be following the lines which would be suggested by public choice theory .
22 It does not seem to be widely realised that words have shape and colour and rhythm as well as meaning .
23 Frogs and toads occasionally employ this device , but it does not seem to be very widespread among these amphibians .
24 Even so , it does not seem to be entirely appropriate that , as I have heard privately reported , ministers of the crown now ask to be invited to dinner parties with wealthy Arable in order to try to secure contributions to the Conservative cause .
25 it does not seem to be far from the truth that the freedom with which a person can walk about and look around is a very useful guide to the civilized quality of an urban area .
26 It does not seem to us to be particularly fruitful to discuss highly generalised theories of whether international law is or could be ‘ law ’ as such : if viewed from the perspective of ‘ effectiveness ’ , international law may have to be judged differently , depending on whether , for example , the focus is on regional economic relations regulated by treaties , or on customary law applicable to the laws of war on a universal scale .
27 But even if it is just , it does not seem to be comprehensive .
28 It is introduced as a hypothesis which can bring coherence and understanding into this area — a piece of speculation which has continued to worry empiricists ever since it was first developed since it does not seem to be based on facts .
29 It does not seem to be necessary for an ad to be at all well remembered for it to have an effect .
30 It is unlikely , but it does not seem to be ‘ wrong ’ in quite the same way as the sentences in Task 3 .
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