Example sentences of "it do [not/n't] [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't make the machine go any bloody quicker , well I can , but I so what 's the point in that come and have a look at it and then they said come back and do it when you on the skin , you know the skin bring it forward well it do n't go back , it just gets all tangled .
2 Ortega 's defeat crushed a lot of left-wing supporters around the world , but it did not set back Gould , who immediately plunged himself into a new project .
3 It did not look back at Alice , but said , ‘ One side will make you taller , and the other side will make you shorter . ’
4 It did n't come back with a refusal and allow us to discuss alternative ways of achieving our objective .
5 I it , and it jumped back up and , it did n't jump back up , it jumped , what it done is it ran down that bit of the wall and jumped .
6 And it makes you wonder as well if it did n't revolve back onto he children you know .
7 ‘ When the girl , Louise Taylor , and then Inspector Leeming were found , I do n't believe it did n't get back to the KGB .
8 It did n't hark back to a mythical , puritan past but went super-realistic instead .
9 ‘ No stock-taking ’ policies are adopted partly because of staffing shortages , but also on the premise that stock-taking is a waste of time because it does not bring back the missing books , and any item which is really important will be requested on reservation ( though a central reservation system , if employed , may mean that missing titles go unnoticed ) .
10 If it does n't grow back , I 've accepted that it might not , but if it grows back I 'll be a very happy man .
11 I am trying to avoid going that far : it does keep the ear occupied , at least for its duration , even if it does n't drift back into your consciousness afterwards , and these are solid , lusty performances by the Camerata quartet , a young Polish group , in impressively immediate recordings .
12 I 've been doing , it does n't curl back .
13 So next time you hit the road make sure it does n't hit back .
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